Mistakes That Are Making It Harder For Your Turnips To Grow
Turnips are a delicious addition to the garden, but if yours aren't turning out quite right, you may be making one of these common mistakes.
Read MoreTurnips are a delicious addition to the garden, but if yours aren't turning out quite right, you may be making one of these common mistakes.
Read MoreThere are a few common mistakes people make when growing kale, including variety selection, neglecting soil preparation, and not managing pests effectively.
Read MoreThe confusion over topping pepper plants boils down to the fact that there are several considerations. Avoid these mistakes and yield bigger harvests.
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Read MoreCatnip has many uses. It excites our cats, makes a good tea, and it might even keep sap-sucking aphids out of your garden. Find out if you should plant it here.
Read MorePlanting sage and oregano together is a good example of companion planting. Learn why these herbs work so well planted together, and what conditions they need.
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Read MoreWhen companion planting, consider growing bright-blooming zinnas with this dark-leaved garden herb. Find out for yourself how nicely the pair goes together.
Read MoreTo ensure you achieve the best pepper harvest, discover the ideal time to transplant the sprouts into your garden and when you should sow the seeds indoors.
Read MoreRepelling rats from your home is best to keep your family safe. Thankfully, it's easy to do so naturally and humanely with a few pest-deterring plants.
Read MoreIf you live in the northern part of the world, you're familiar with winter snow dumps and freezing temps. What does this weather mean for your lawn and garden?
Read MoreWhile basil is a relatively low-maintenance herb to grow, planting it in ideal conditions will lead to a better-tasting and more bountiful yield.
Read MoreWhen your grocery store garlic begins to sprout, you'll start thinking about planting it in your early-winter garden. Think twice and learn what could go wrong.
Read MoreWhile it's relatively easy and low-maintenance to grow peppers in your garden, there is one mistake you could make that will ruin your entire crop.
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