Nina Rogoff

Photo of Nina Rogoff
Northeastern University, Brandeis University
Real Estate, Politics, Family And Parenting
  • Nina worked as a realtor for 12 years and has written over 600 blog posts on owning, maintaining, selling, and buying real estate.
  • Writing has always been a major part of Nina's life, whether as a journalism major, a writer with a Boston daily newspaper, or working for a range of industries including IT, telecom, and government.
  • For Nina, writing is about presenting accurate, timely and interesting information which people can rely on to better understand our world.


Almost 200 years ago, writer, Edward Bulwer-Lytton wrote "The pen is mightier than the sword." Nina believes that the immediacy of the internet and social media have created an even greater responsibility for news writers to remember that phrase. She cares deeply about the impact of words, especially when they are used to incite hate and discrimination in our society. As you may be able to tell, Nina is a serious sort of person, but when she isn't researching, fact-checking, and writing news articles, she has a variety of other interests. Over the years, Nina has been waking up in the middle of the night to write down bits and pieces of a stand-up comedy routine. Stage fright will probably never let it be shared, for which her family is most grateful. Nina loves reading, spending time talking with friends and family, and doing all kinds of art projects. She grew up in Massachusetts, and has lived and worked in other countries but returned to her hometown to raise a family. She also caters full-time to her miniature Dachshund, Muffin, whose super-power is getting food to fall on the floor.


Nina studied journalism once she realized that a strong command of the English language was not going to help her with organic chemistry and calculus. She loves learning and is considering returning for a master's degree.

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Stories By Nina Rogoff