Ellen Kershner

Photo of Ellen Kershner
New Jersey
American University
Diy Projects, Gardening, Cleaning
  • Ellen has owned five homes and worked with her husband, a construction superintendent, to finish two basements and renovate three kitchens.
  • She does all her own gardening with homemade garden products and is especially proud of her roses.
  • When something in her house needs to be cleaned, effective DIY concoctions are her go-to.


Ellen has a journalism background and also wrote print ads and articles for the Inquirer and local South Jersey publications before switching to content writing. She was a freelance columnist for the Philadelphia Inquirer in 2010. In 2017, Ellen launched her remote content writing company. Ellen founded Words' Worth Content Writing and has crafted countless articles, blogs, website content, and white papers for clients like Wordsmyth Creative Content Marketing, 55Places.com, and Spryte Communications. Ellen started writing for Home Digest and The Daily Meal in 2022 before joining The List in 2023.


Ellen received a B.A. in Public Communications at American University and graduated summa cum laude. She completed classes in advertising copywriting, magazine writing, public speaking, and persuasive writing.

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As we cover many fields of expertise, we make it a priority to ensure every beat remains fresh and comprehensive. Additional information on our editorial process available here.

Stories By Ellen Kershner