Corinna Underwood

Photo of Corinna Underwood
Garden Maintenance, Plants & Herbs, Trees
  • Corinna has written about gardening, health, and nutrition for print and online media in the U.S. and overseas.
  • She is a master gardener who likes to grow and make herbal remedies.
  • She joined Static Media in 2024 to continue sharing her passion for growing things indoors and outdoors.


Corinna has worked as a professional writer for 24 years. During that time, she has written gardening and nutrition-related articles for Alternative Medicine, V-3 Magazine, Olive Oil Times, Safer Alternative Medicine, Alive, Fast Growing Trees, and Home Style Expert. She is also the author of "The Darkside Chronicles," a series of mysteries with paranormal twists.


Corinna has a bachelor's degree in English and philosophy and a master's degree in women's studies.

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Stories By Corinna Underwood