The Most Important Place To Use Scotchgard That You're Probably Missing

Scotchgard is a type of fabric protector that is applied to the surface of that item. It takes just a few minutes to apply and promises to protect those fabrics from damage. Scotchgard helps to repel water and stains from the surface of these fabric items. Scotchgard states it can protect a range of fabrics, including nylon, acrylic, silk, wood, and most cottons as well. That sounds like pretty much most fabrics.

It works by pushing stains away from the fabric fibers, allowing those stains to release easily, and Scotchgard doesn't change how the fabrics look or feel. However, there are disadvantages to using Scotchgard you should be aware of before you use it, and you want to keep in mind that you should always use it only according to the manufacturer's recommendations. In addition, it can be a dangerous substance when used improperly.

If you have a bottle of it sitting around, here's something you should do with it that you may not have thought of!

Think about your bags

There are lots of materials you can use it for, and while many people use it just for couches, outdoor furniture, and rugs, one of the best ways to use Scotchgard is on bookbags (and it even says so on their website). While you can get easy cleaning instructions from Pottery Barn Kids, you may be able to skip some or all of those steps if you just start with some Scotchgard!

Think for a moment how much exposure bookbags come into with everything from the gravel of a parking lot to the floor of a bus — making them an absolute haven for dirt. More so, today's students often carry valuable items in them, including laptops. Protecting and sealing out water could be a very important task every time you buy a new book bag.

Scotchgard states that it can be used for your child's backpack with confidence. They even claim that it could help your child's backpack last all year. It may not help with the tears from dragging it along the sidewalk, but it could help make dirt and grime from dirty hands less likely to stain the bag.
