Why You Should Stop Using Bleach In Your Home Immediately

Many of us regularly use bleach in our homes. From disinfection purposes to keeping linens clean and bright looking, its many uses seem endless, which is why it has been a popular cleaning agent for generations. However, using bleach is not without risks. According to VitalOxide, sodium hypochlorite is the active disinfectant used in typical home bleach. Similarly, bleach alternatives may contain hydrogen peroxide or other similar chemicals, while calcium hypochlorite, the chemical component of bleach, is also available in powder form.

Regardless of how popular it is, you might actually be better off without it. Compact Appliance states that its negatives may outweigh the positives. In fact, there are alternatives out there that will do the same job bleach does, if not better, and without the associated risks. Keep reading to find out why you should keep bleach out of your home and what you can use in its place.

Why not bleach?

As explained by Advanced Vapor Technologies, using bleach in your home carries a number of risks that can easy to go unnoticed. These include improper use, for example, not diluting the right amount of bleach with water before use. Also, bleach can react with other chemicals you might use in your home that contain ammonia or acids, which, in turn, can lead to the creation of other hazardous chemicals that you definitely do not want in your home. Accidental consumption of bleach is also a cause for concern if you have children or pets around. Are these risks you're willing to take? It might be best to switch to alternatives.

In addition, Medical Daily warns that using bleach regularly at home might be responsible for damaged lung cells, inflammation, and vulnerability to infections. Moreover, they emphasize that regular use of bleach in homes might be a cause for public health concerns. 

Use this instead

Bleach might sometimes seem like the only thing that can get the job done, right? Well, the American Lung Association doesn't think so. They recommend using just soap and warm water at home as it works just fine while considering baking soda for scrubbing and vinegar mixed with water as a glass cleaner.

If you would like something a little stronger, instead of bleach, some alternatives recommended by Beyond Toxics are washing soda, borax, or white vinegar for clothes whitening. They also recommend making your own bleach substitute at home with a recipe that incorporates liquid soap, glycerin, water, borax, lemon juice, and a few drops of essential oil of your choosing. We think this is a brilliant idea because, by making it at home, you know exactly what's going into it, making it safe to use and giving you peace of mind along with a clean space.
