The 3 Best States To Live In If You Have Allergies

Allergies are a major concern for millions of Americans. Pollen and other seasonal issues can knock out productivity during the springtime and lead to itchy eyes, sore noses, and a general feeling of discomfort for an extended period of time. Verywell Health notes that climate change issues have led to longer allergy seasons all over the world, and made allergens more concentrated as well. The severity and length of seasonal allergies — to say nothing of routine allergy issues that many others live with as well — has made Americans rethink their home environments in a big way.

Moving is a significant step just to solve allergy issues, but it's one that can make a massive impact on the health and wellness you experience on a daily basis. If you are suffering from seasonal allergies that are exacerbated by the environment you call home (places like Dallas, TX, Dayton, OH, or Richmond, VA, which is ranked as the worst city for springtime allergies by USA Today), then a move might be the perfect way to get a fresh start and bring in a new outlook on daily life.


Colorado is a mountainous western state with modern, connected cities as well as remote towns that offer the perfect way to disconnect from the bustle of city life. According to Ear, Nose, Throat, & Allergy Specialist, it's the cooler temperatures, high altitudes, and drier overall climates that allow cities and towns all around Colorado to experience clean, fresh air without a significant pollen content in the spring, or any other substantial allergens throughout the year. The Asthma & Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) names Denver as one of the best places to live in 2022 for those suffering from allergies (via Verywell Health).

Another benefit that Colorado offers, and Denver in particular, is a modern job landscape that rivals any other major city in the country (via The Business Journals). Often, when seeking a healthy lifestyle that gets you and your family away from the pollution and noisiness of a downtown apartment, sacrificing job prospects is a part of the tradeoff. Moving from Detroit, Chicago, or Indianapolis (listed as high particle pollution cities by the American Lung Association) to a town with better air quality and a quieter lifestyle means reducing your ability to find competitive work environments and the salary that often comes along with a thriving metropolitan job market. Colorado provides an antidote to both of these concerns without trampling either end of the spectrum.

North Carolina

North Carolina is a great option for those already on the east coast (or looking to move there). The Atlantic coast supports about a third of the U.S. population (via World Population Review), and many businesses with multiple offices across the country opt to sync up scheduling with the 2:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time rule of thumb. This can help streamline operations with a head office in New York, Baltimore, Washington D.C., or Atlanta (via PGI).

North Carolina sits right in the mix of east coast states, yet the lifestyle of a North Carolinian is notably more laid back than the surrounding metropolitan areas of eastern and northern Virginia, or many of the urban hubs of South Carolina or Georgia. The state enjoys a marked improvement on air quality over surrounding areas. In fact, it's the only east coast state included on the AAFA list of great places for residents with allergy issues, per Verywell Health. The remaining options that rank highly are all found in pockets along the Pacific edge or throughout the mountain west region.

North Carolina enjoys a position firmly within the EST time zone. It offers relatively close proximity to the beaches and magnetic vacation destinations of Florida as well as corporate hubs in Virginia, New York, and Boston. It's a great middle ground for an allergy sufferer in desperate need of a change.


Washington state consistently ranks highly in terms of quality of life metrics. As such, World Population Review rates it as the best state to live in for 2022 based on ratings regarding crime, economy, healthcare, and education.

The Seattle metropolitan area is a hub of innovation and corporate opportunity, yet Seattle and the whole of the state of Washington are known to be climate-responsible areas. Washington residents care about their communities and the results speak for themselves. The state offers clean air and outdoor recreation opportunities of all sorts. What's more, Washington, as the top state in the stack running along the Pacific coastline (excluding Alaska), sits in prime position to enjoy a mingling of both ocean currents (via SEOS) and wind patterns (via Research Gate) that freshen the environment, expelling stagnant air and the hanging pollen that it attracts.

The AAFA ranks Seattle as one of the best cities to call home for those suffering from acute allergy trouble. This city and the surrounding suburbs may be a little far flung when it comes to physical access to the rest of the country, but the benefits of this environment and community are still magnetic.
