Should You Replace Or Repair That Appliance?

A major bone of contention among homeowners, and of course handymen, is the question of whether to replace or repair faulty appliances. For a homeowner, you want the best option out there, and of course, want to minimize costs. So, when the salesman at the appliance store tries to get you to purchase a new toaster, you shun that thought because it is either good or bad marketing. And, when the repair guy tells you to repair instead, you wonder if he's trying to rip you off. 

We weighed the scales and considered all the probable causes, benefits, and demerits of replacing or repairing your appliance. Appliance Doctor Inc writes that one of the leading causes of damage to appliances happens to be a lack of proper cleaning. While caring for, maintaining, and correctly cleaning appliances can certainly improve their lifespan, when it comes to faulty or damaged items, the burning question remains, repair or replace?

When to repair

The main benefit that comes with repairing rather than replacing your home appliance is that you need to spend less to get the value or function of your appliance again, explains Express Repair. Moreover, if your appliance is still within warranty, you could always get the entire repair costs covered, or a very heavy discount says Assurant.

According to National Geographic, Americans throw away up to $55 billion in e-waste (electronic waste) each year. Additionally, less than 20% of that e-waste is never recycled. The adverse effect of this is that since it isn't biodegradable, it tends to accumulate and expose the planet to contaminants like lead and mercury among others. Repairing rather than replacing could help reduce those numbers.

Reliable Appliance states, that the final edge that repairing a home appliance has over replacing one, is that you get to keep the vintage and homely version that you love and you're so used to, rather than having to go through the learning curve again with a new home appliance. Seriously, do you want to have to learn a new interface or read the manual all over again?

When to replace

On the other hand, you should replace your old appliance if you're a tech enthusiast and if you love trying out new things. According to the experts at Howards Electricals, you get to upgrade to a new appliance and get smart technology on the new upgrade too. And, for those who love discounts, you get a new warranty, which is a great deal, especially if you have exhausted the warranty of the old device. According to Asurion, it is also in your best interest to repair your faulty home appliance if it is constantly breaking down. If an appliance is unreliable that might just be a cue for you to throw it out or recycle its parts and get a new one. 

Another reason to replace is whenever your old appliance seems to consume more energy than the new ones on the market, says Stanford Magazine. Because let's face it, energy costs will accumulate. Finally, it is always more prudent to replace the entire appliance when it seems that the cost of replacing the old appliance is equivalent to the cost of repairing the old one, say the experts at House Logic. Remember, the main goal is value for money. 
