Cleaning Handbags Is Easier Than You Think

Knowing how to clean a handbag without destroying it is a valuable life hack that has no price. Whether you've spent a lot of money on a fancy bag or got a good deal on the main street, handbags are meant to last. Preserving and prolonging the life of your favorite fashion products is a must because, let's face it, not everyone can go on shopping sprees like the Kardashians.


Oils on the skin and regular contact with environmental variables such as fragrances or hairspray can degrade bags tremendously. However, keeping your lovely handbag clean and looking new isn't difficult at all. Nevertheless, many people are concerned about it because the last thing you want to do is harm it by using the wrong type of handbag cleaner. Some people recommend cleaning your handbag once a week, while others advise cleaning it only once a year. But how do you know what to believe when there is so much competing advice? Leather Help recommended doing a reconditioning twice a year, but other than that, this short guide teaches you everything you need to know about how to clean handbags at home.


How to clean a leather handbag

Your leather purse may seem rugged and durable, but it still needs proper cleaning methods and care. Portland Leather Goods recommended getting to work with some warm water, a gentle dish soap, and a soft towel. Begin the cleaning process by thoroughly washing the bag with the mixture, then foaming the solution and rubbing it into the bag with circular motions. It's unnecessary to use a lot of water. Finally, buff the handbag dry with another soft, dry towel.


Allow for a few minutes of drying time before applying a protection lotion you can buy at any leather handbag store. Pay special attention to the handles, corners, and other regularly handled areas, and wait 10 minutes for it to dry before buffing away any excess. This method takes less than 15 minutes and could save you a lot of money on future restoration treatments. It also maintains the value in your bag, allowing you to get the most out of your purchase.

How to clean a white handbag

It's easy for your favorite white handbag to get dirty, but removing the stains is an easy task. There are a few simple ways to turn a discolored bag from dull to bright white, and the best one is using bleach. 

  • Empty the bag and close all zippers to ensure that no bleach solution gets inside. 
  • Place the purse on a towel to protect the area you'll be cleaning it on, and use protective gloves to keep your hands safe. 
  • Combine 1/3 cup of bleach in a glass of hot water (never use straight bleach, as it can damage the leather). 
  • Dip a clean cloth in the solution and squeeze it a little before dabbing the stains on your purse; this should completely erase any traces. 
  • Use a clean cloth to thoroughly dry it, pressing on the material if necessary. 
  • After drying, apply water or air-based leather protection to restore the natural appearance of your handbag.

The Spruce mentioned that while this bleach solution is perfect for cleaning leather handbags that haven't been finished, it's best to rub it with warm mild liquid soap if your bag has been treated.

How to clean your designer bag

A designer handbag is more than simply a fashion piece; it's an investment. Designer handbags are created from high-quality materials and range in price from hundreds to thousands of dollars. You want to do your best to make your designer purse last a lifetime (or longer). That is why it is critical to clean your luxe handbag regularly. She Finds recommended getting your designer bag professionally cleaned at least once a year.


Handbags are often compared to skin, meaning that if they do not receive proper care, they dry and crack. If you've spilled something on your luxe handbag, smudged your lipstick inside it, or gotten it dirty or stained on a trip, you may be thinking of cleaning it with soap and water, but proceed with caution. If you're set on handling some bag cleaning at home, gently blot the debris with a bit of water and a washcloth.

Don't forget to clean the interior

With frightening statistics indicating that the average handbag is dirtier than a toilet seat, regularly cleaning your beloved purse is a terrific idea. And while you may know how to clean the exterior of your bag, have you ever considered cleaning the interior? Good Housekeeping recommended unloading your bag's contents and shaking out any loose material. Then, if possible, remove the fabric lining and wipe with a damp sponge soaked in hot, soapy water. At this point, you need to take care not to get the linings too wet. "You want the lining to dry rapidly to avoid becoming musty. So, either drape the lining over a heater, place it in an airing cupboard overnight, or use a hairdryer to speed up the drying process," Caroline Bloor told Good Housekeeping.


Another great way to get rid of residual odors is to put an open baking soda container in your bag then store it inside a pillowcase for 24 hours. And there you have it: The lovely aroma of handbag-cleaning success!

