Spider Crickets: What Are They And How Do You Get Them Out Of Your House?

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While you might be busy preparing for the invasion of the Brood X 2021 cicadas, we regret to inform you that there's another pest whose active season is approaching — and unfortunately, they bring more cause for concern when it comes to your home. It's time to talk about spider crickets, also known as criders, sprikets, cave weta, cave crickets, or camel crickets, per Farmer's Almanac. Perhaps in your home they will be more commonly known as, "GAAHHHHHHHH!"

Anyway, if you've never heard about them before, buckle up, because they're quite the interesting (and admittedly creepy) creature. From an arm's length away or more, their outspread legs and brown color make them appear to be a wolf spider. But if you're brave enough to examine them up close, you'll see six insect legs instead of an arachnid's eight, along with two long antennae. Some say they also look like shrimp, but their jumping skills undeniably make them part of the cricket family.

Even still, according to The Washington Post, they can't chirp, but they're attracted to dark, damp places like basements and crawl spaces, where they love gathering in large groups to chew on anything in sight — fungus, fabric, wood, carpet, cardboard, plants, you name it. So not only are they unsightly, they can do some major damage, too.

How do get rid of spider crickets in your house

To keep your home spriket-free, you'll definitely want to take preventative measures like caulking and sealing any openings to your lower level, per Washington Post. Keeping the area dry and clutter-free helps, too. But if you still manage to have a run-in with one (or two or five), there are a few things you should know.

Firstly, try not to spook them, as they will instinctively jump in your direction. (Thanks but no thanks!) And secondly, know that they technically don't bite humans in self-defense, but because they're such nibblers, per Better Homes & Gardens, you may feel that sensation if one lands on you.

To get rid of a small infestation, try a dehumidifier to create an unwelcome environment, and if you need to, lay out some sticky traps baited with food, like a few crumbs of moldy bread. Better Homes & Gardens also recommends putting out shallow dishes of soapy water to lure them in and drown them. If you try those things, have executed preventative measures, and still have a bug issue, it's time to call an exterminator.
