11 Common Ground Cover Plants That Aren't Worth Putting In Your Yard
It's probably no surprise to learn that we love ground covers because they offer the promise of effortless, low-maintenance beauty on spots that are otherwise bare eye sores. But let's be real — not all ground covers are created equal. In fact, some are downright troublemakers that will turn your dream garden into a disappointing flop. We're not talking about minor inconveniences; we're talking about a rogue's gallery of plants that bring their own unique brand of trouble. That's why we've rounded up 11 of the most deceptive ground covers that aren't worth the effort of planting in your yard.
These aren't your typical fast-spreading invasive ground covers, but ones that have their own set of specific consequences that are enough to drive you crazy. From weird smells to frustratingly slow growth habits, we'll explain why you should run for the hills — or at least, to another garden center — instead of planting these problematic plants. But if you're particularly keen on the aesthetic some of these give off, don't worry. We'll suggest a few alternatives that give the same look without the hassle.
The chameleon plant (Houttuynia cordata) has an absolute horror of a smell and is prone to pests
The chameleon plant (Houttuynia cordata) promises a splash of color with its vibrant, multicolored leaves, but it comes with a host of issues that make most gardeners regret planting it. While it might look appealing, this ground cover invites a parade of pests. Aphids, slugs, and snails find its leaves attractive, meaning you will likely deal with an infestation at one point or another — one that can spread to other plants in your garden if not caught quickly. Unlike ground covers that offer a low-maintenance solution, this one demands constant pest control, which can be exhausting. And if that wasn't enough, the crushed leaves emit an unpleasant fishy odor, transforming a simple gardening chore into an olfactory nightmare. Forget the idea of a pleasant, aromatic garden; this plant will assault your senses, defeating the very purpose of creating a relaxing outdoor space.
Instead of the pest-prone, foul-smelling, and aggressive chameleon plant, consider alternatives that have a similar visual appeal but are much nicer on the nose. If you're after a low-growing, colorful ground cover, consider Lantana camara. Lantana offers a wide array of brightly colored flowers that attract pollinators, and while it requires some maintenance, it does not have the same pest and smell issues as the chameleon plant.
The turtle vine (Callisia repens) can pose a danger in your yard
Turtle vine (Callisia repens) may be a popular fast-growing houseplant and ground cover, but it also poses a hidden danger to your family and pets. It has a medium toxicity risk to children, cats, and dogs, meaning it can cause everything from vomiting to difficulty breathing to the throat and tongue swelling if eaten. Its sap can also cause skin irritation for both humans and animals. Forget about a carefree, low-maintenance ground cover; this plant will have you constantly on edge, making you nervous to let your pets and kids out without close supervision.
Instead of the potentially harmful turtle vine, consider alternatives that offer similar aesthetic appeal without the danger. For a delicate, low-growing ground cover with small leaves, try baby tears (Soleirolia soleirolii), which offers a similar appearance but is non-toxic. If you're looking for a succulent-like ground cover, consider non-toxic sedum species. Sedums make the perfect ground cover due to their hardiness and ability to thrive in a variety of conditions, and sedum 'Birthday Party' is an excellent option to get you started.
The white-veined hardy Dutchman's pipe (Aristolochia fimbriata) is incredibly toxic and dangerous to kids and pets
White-veined hardy Dutchman's pipe (Aristolochia fimbriata) offers a very cool, unique look as a ground cover, but it conceals a deadly secret that makes it a dangerous addition to any yard with children or pets. The problem with this plant lies in its severe toxicity; consuming it can lead to kidney failure. According to RxList, extreme cases can lead to needing kidney dialysis or a transplant. Unlike ground covers that offer a safe and worry-free landscape, this plant has a hidden danger that will ruin your garden and have you constantly on guard, fearing the consequences of accidental ingestion.
Instead of the dangerously toxic white-veined hardy Dutchman's pipe, consider alternatives that offer a similar robust ground cover without the lethal risk. For a hardy, low-growing ground cover with interesting foliage that prefers similar shade and moist soil conditions, try Canadian wild ginger (Asarum canadense). It's non-toxic and provides a natural, woodland feel. It also attracts the pipevine swallowtail butterfly, just like the white-veined hardy Dutchman's pipe does. However, if you want a flowering ground cover that tolerates partial shade and moist but well-draining soil, consider Japanese anemone (Anemone x hybrida). While they're a little slow to establish, Japanese anemones come in multiple colors and bloom from late summer to fall, making them great for one last floral hurrah before winter.
The cliff rose (Armeria maritima) needs to have near-perfect drainage or it will throw a temper tantrum
Cliff rose (Armeria maritima) looks like an almost perfect ground cover with its charming pink blooms and a low-growing habit. While it's known to grow on cliff sides and can tolerate moderate salt spray, that doesn't mean it's low-maintenance. Unfortunately, it demands near-perfect drainage — any hint of soggy soil will lead to its demise, making it a frustrating choice for many gardeners. Unlike ground covers that are forgiving and adaptable, this one requires careful watering, turning your garden into a constant balancing act. And, like many delicate plants, it doesn't tolerate foot traffic.
Instead of the water-finicky cliff rose, consider alternatives that offer similar aesthetic appeal without the constant fuss and fragility. If you want a low-growing ground cover with a profusion of tiny pink flowers, check out the 'Pink Chintz' cultivar of wild thyme (Thymus serpyllum 'Pink Chintz'). It likes a medium level of moisture and can even tolerate drought, making it far less demanding than cliff rose.
The foamflower (Tiarella cordifolia) grows too slowly for people who need a ground cover to carpet their yard immediately
Foamflower (Tiarella cordifolia) has delicate, airy blooms and very cool variegated heart-shaped leaves, but its sluggish growth rate and aversion to dry conditions make it a frustrating choice for anyone seeking a quick and easy ground cover. If you need something to carpet an area quickly, foamflower will test your patience. Unlike ground covers that rapidly fill in spaces, this one requires years to establish, turning your garden into a waiting game. Also, to add to its list of frustrations, it's highly intolerant of drought, meaning you'll be constantly watering it during the growing season, ensuring the soil stays consistently moist. That's a lot of work for a pretty delayed payoff.
Instead of the slow-growing and drought-sensitive foamflower, consider alternatives that provide similar aesthetic appeal but with less waiting. For a shade-loving ground cover with attractive foliage and faster growth, try Heuchera 'Cherry Truffles'. This ground cover spreads relatively quickly, and it has interesting dark red, ruffled leaves.
Society garlic (Tulbaghia violacea) smells, well, like very strong garlic
Society garlic (Tulbaghia violacea) develops the prettiest lavender flowers, but it comes with a pungent secret that will likely have you regretting planting it. T. violacea's major problem is right in its common name — when bruised, the leaves and rootstock emit an overwhelming garlic odor that lingers, turning a simple garden stroll into an olfactory assault. But, if for some reason, the strong smell of garlic appeals to you, then by all means, explore this ground cover.
Instead of the foul-smelling society garlic, consider alternatives that provide similar aesthetic appeal without the pungent aroma. For a ground cover with blooms and a pleasant fragrance, try lavender cotton (Santolina chamaecyparissus), which features silvery foliage and yellow flowers, and has a pleasant, herbal scent. If you're looking for a flowering ground cover with a similar shape and color but a sweet fragrance, consider rose verbena (Verbena canadensis). It has clusters of flowers in various shades, including lavender, has a honey-like smell, and is more adaptable than the stinky society garlic.
The starfish flower (Stapelia grandiflora) and hairy starfish flower (Stapelia hirsuta) are extremely sensitive to normal, everyday moisture levels
Both the starfish flower (Stapelia grandiflora) and its hairy-stemmed offspring, Stapelia hirusata, feature unique, star-shaped blooms, and both come with a set of frustrating demands. The reason they make terrible ground covers is two-fold. First, these flowers have extreme sensitivity to winter moisture; they require completely dry conditions during the dormant season, a difficult task to accomplish in many USDA zones. And if that wasn't enough, both of the flowers emit a foul, carrion-like odor, designed to attract flies for pollination. No, thanks.
Instead of the high-maintenance and foul-smelling starfishes, consider alternatives that provide similar succulent aesthetics without the demanding winter care and unpleasant odor. For a ground cover with colorful flowers and a better tolerance of winter moisture, check out coral honeysuckle (Lonicera sempervirens). It's extremely hardy and has the coolest red trumpet-shaped flowers.
The pencil flower (Stylosanthes biflora) needs more acidic soil levels than the typical common garden plant likes
Pencil flower (Stylosanthes biflora) produces dainty yellow blooms that cheer up any yard, but its highly specific soil preferences make it a frustrating and restrictive choice for any gardener. The most notable problem gardeners encounter with this plant is its insistence on acidic, nutrient-poor soils — a stark contrast to the conditions favored by most common garden plants. Unlike ground covers that integrate seamlessly into diverse landscapes, this one demands a specialized, isolated environment. In fact, it prefers this type of soil so it gets little competition from other plants.
Avoid this conundrum by considering alternatives that provide similar low-growing flowering aesthetics, without the specific soil requirements. For example, for a low-growing ground cover with yellow flowers and adaptability to various soil types, try creeping cinquefoil (Potentilla reptans).
The skunk cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus) smells like decaying flesh
Skunk cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus) may herald the arrival of spring with its early blooms and unique ability to melt snow, but it's yet another smelly disaster that will quickly turn your garden into an olfactory nightmare. The primary concern we have with this plant is its revolting odor; both the flowers and leaves emit a foul, decaying flesh-like stench when bruised. That gag-worthy stench also attracts flies, which are hardly the garden guests you're hoping to invite, making any interaction with the plant unpleasant, to say the least.
Instead of the foul-smelling skunk cabbage, consider alternatives that provide similar early spring blooms and interesting foliage without the offensive odor. For a shade-loving, early spring bloomer with attractive foliage and a pleasant fragrance, try the sweet-smelling Virginia bluebells (Mertensia virginica). If you're looking for a shade-tolerant ground cover with interesting foliage that can bring friends to your garden, consider large-flowered trillium (Trillium grandiflorum). It features beautiful, paper-white flowers with uniquely scalloped leaves, and brings honeybees to your yard instead of flies.
The lungwort (Pulmonaria officinalis) is pretty, but needs constant watering and grows very slowly
Lungwort (Pulmonaria officinalis) is a tragedy to put on this list with its stunning display of speckled leaves and early spring blossoms, yet its frustratingly slow growth and constant thirst make it a poor choice for those seeking a quick and effortless ground cover. What truly sets this plant apart, and not in a good way, is its glacial growth. Anyone expecting a rapid spread will find themselves waiting years for even modest coverage. And since coverage is likely what you're going for with a ground cover, this plant is less than ideal. Frustratingly, it's also perpetually thirsty, requiring vigilant watering to prevent wilting and maintain its health.
Instead, consider alternatives that provide similar aesthetic appeal without the waiting game. If you're looking for a flowering ground cover that tolerates some drought and spreads more quickly, wild geranium (Geranium maculatum), which produces pink to lavender flowers, is more adaptable than the water-hungry lungwort.
The plains prickly pear (Opuntia macrorhiza) is full of sharp spines that will turn your yard into a danger zone
Plains prickly pear (Opuntia macrorhiza) has a certain rugged, desert charm as far as ground covers go, but its treacherous spines and potential for allergic reactions make it a dangerous addition to any garden. The plant's primary defense is its countless spines and barbed glochids; these tiny bristles can easily puncture and embed themselves in the skin, causing significant irritation and triggering allergic reactions. Unlike ground covers that provide a safe and welcoming environment, this one turns your garden into a potential minefield, fraught with the risk of painful encounters.
Instead of the hazardous plains prickly pear, there are alternatives that provide similar drought-tolerant, succulent aesthetics without the dangerous spines and allergic risks. For a drought-tolerant ground cover with interesting texture and colorful flowers, try common houseleek (Sempervivum tectorum), which produces rosette-shaped succulents and is safe to handle. You can also consider reflexed stonecrop (Sedum rupestre), which creates a mat of attractive, color-changing foliage and is also safe for all.