Is A Permit Required To Install A French Drain? Here's What We Know
Are you wondering whether your French drain project needs a permit from the building department? Unfortunately, there's no clear-cut answer, since the regulations vary based on where you live. However, as a rule of thumb, permitting requirements will depend on the scale of the project. The types of home renovations that require permits are usually those that affect the electrical or plumbing systems, works that change your home's existing structure, or major landscaping projects.
Installing a French drain may seem like a relatively minor alteration at a glance — doing so won't change the structure of your home or the overall appearance of your landscaping. But French drains could redirect water in a way that causes problems elsewhere. You won't likely need a permit for a small drain that removes standing water from your lawn or away from your house. However, a permit may be required if the French drain causes major changes to the flow of water, or if you build the drain indoors.
When a French drain may need a permit
Permits are generally required if the drainage system changes the flow of water and impacts other people (say, your neighbors), waterways, wetlands, or municipal systems. If the French drain redirects a stream or empties rainwater into a well, a leach field, a ditch, or the municipal sewer, pulling a permit is typically necessary. The same goes for properties with a shallow water table. If you're installing the drain as part of a larger drainage project, you'll probably also need a permit.
Note that some jurisdictions may not require permitting for any type of a French drain. So, the safest option is to contact your local building department. If there isn't one, reach out to the municipal or county government to determine which department handles permitting for home renovations. Describe your project to the officials so they can give you a case-specific answer.
Getting a permit for a French drain might seem like a hassle, but the guidance you get along the way could be beneficial. You typically submit your plans before starting the work. The building authorities who review the plans might identify design flaws that could make your drainage issues worse. Considering the high costs of installing a French drain, avoiding a bad design is important so you don't have to redo the project. Also, if you don't get a permit for your French drain when one is required, you could face expensive fines and might need to remove the system. You could also face issues when trying to sell your home if the drain wasn't permitted or doesn't comply with local codes.