Transform Toilet Paper Rolls Into A Beautiful Faux Pottery Planter

The median toilet paper usage per person is 1.75 rolls per week, and the average household size is 2.5 people. That means the average household uses between four and five rolls of toilet paper every week, which means most households have a lot of empty toilet paper rolls. Of course, recycling the empty rolls is always an option. There are also plenty of ways to use empty toilet paper rolls for home organization. Did you know, though, that you can also use them to create faux pottery for your home?

If you've got a few toilet paper rolls and are looking for a fun project, making a faux pottery planter might be just the project for you. A faux pottery planter can add beauty to your space by covering up an old, worn plant pot. The great thing about this DIY project is that you can customize it with any color finish you like. You can even customize it with designs or patterns to match your home's decor. 

How to make a beautiful faux pottery planter from toilet paper rolls

Making this stylish decor item from empty toilet paper rolls is super easy. You will need three toilet paper rolls (more for larger planters), scissors, a hot glue gun, a ready-mix filler, sandpaper, and some spray paint. First, you need to cut your toilet paper rolls in half longways in straight lines. Next, use your hot glue gun to apply glue to one edge of two half rolls and hold the glued edges together until bonded. Repeat this process until all of your toilet paper rolls are glued and you have an unfinished planter. Then, apply an even layer of ready-mix filler and set it aside. 

After 24 hours, sand your planter and spray paint it. It's important to note that this planter is not designed to hold a plant but rather to enhance the look of an existing potted plant. While many brands of ready mix filler are waterproof, how long the hot glue lasts depends on a number of factors, and it generally doesn't hold up well to moisture and direct sunlight (things that are pretty important to plants).

Add a creative touch to your new faux planter

After you have your finished product, it's time to get creative. This is where you can take your planter from boring to beautiful. When the paint dries, you can use a fine-point paint brush to paint designs on your creation, use stencils to create a pretty pattern, or add a special touch by adding a raffia bow or wrapping with twine or lace. Adding some pressed flowers and covering them with Modge Podge is another great way to add flare to your planter, as well. The limit to how creative you get is your own imagination.

If you have a tall planter or vase that you'd like to cover, you could apply this technique to paper towel rolls, as well. Seasonal flowers can be displayed with this faux pottery option to compliment their color or to help give your home a festive look. This is even a fun, budget-friendly idea for decorating for themed birthday parties!
