The Beautiful Flower You'll Regret Planting Near The Fruit Trees In Your Garden
Deciding which flowers to grow near your garden's fruit trees isn't terribly challenging, but there are a few pitfalls to avoid. In general, flowering ground covers that benefit fruit trees are a good choice. Borage and comfrey are two such plants to consider. You can also plant nasturtiums and marigolds, which draw ladybugs, lacewings, and other insects that prey upon common fruit tree pests.
Fruit trees shouldn't be grown near gardenias, however. These sweet-scented flowers (Gardenia jasminoides) are tricky enough to manage without the extra hurdles that fruit trees create. Gardenias dislike growing near fruit trees since ethanol is often present. When gardenias encounter this compound, that is emitted by decomposing fruit, their blossoms go brown and drop to the ground. Completely preventing fruit rot isn't reasonable for most gardeners. Damaged fruit that's high in the canopy or hidden by dense foliage may decay for some time before you notice it. Instead, it's best to plant gardenias elsewhere.
Complicating matters, gardenias' roots won't share space with those of other plants. When neighboring plants encroach on their turf, shallow-rooted gardenias tend to throw in the towel. Gardenias have other exacting demands as well. They're not resilient to wind, so they must be shielded from it. They won't produce flower buds if nighttime temperatures fail to reach 50 to 55 degrees Fahrenheit for at least part of the year. Plus, the window for pruning them is small. If you don't stay within it, you could lose some of the next year's blossoms.
Where to plant gardenias if your garden has fruit trees
If your garden contains fruit trees, make sure you don't plant gardenia too close to them. Most gardenias need three to six feet of space around them but aim for a wider berth when planting them around fruit trees. (This includes berry bushes and grapevines.) The best spots to plant gardenias in your garden should receive at least two hours of direct sunlight in the morning and some shade in the afternoon.
Gardenias also prefer soil with pH levels between 5.0 and 6.0. If you're planting outside this range, your gardenias probably won't survive. The soil should also drain water efficiently since gardenias are prone to root rot and powdery mildew, both of which are more likely when the planting site is too wet or the environment too humid. Don't plant gardenias anywhere that root-knot nematodes or aphids have been a problem, as they are vulnerable to these pests.
Since spent gardenia flowers turn brown, you may want to avoid planting gardenias in your front yard. Likewise, if you're sensitive to gardenias' strong fragrance, don't plant them right next to your windows. If you'd like to grow them near the house but aren't sure if the scent will be an issue indoors, put them in containers. This way, you can relocate the plants when they start to bloom. If you plant gardenias in the ground, keep in mind that they don't like to be moved. In other words, place them somewhere you're confident they can stay for a while. Also, make sure you're growing gardenias in a climate they can tolerate. In the United States, that's USDA hardiness zones 7 through 11.