25 Beautiful Plants You'll Want To Grow Near Forsythia
When delicate yellow clouds start floating amidst your yard's wintry dreariness, you know forsythia (Forsythia spp.) plants are in bloom — and even better, spring is here. What's unfortunate about the whole phenomenon, however, is that their sunshiny display is often short-lived. Two weeks hence, the yellow flowers make way for insipid fruits and unremarkable dark green foliage that — if you're lucky — may turn purple in the fall before shedding for the winter. Since missing out on this gorgeous spring beacon isn't an option, incorporating other beautiful plants nearby is one way to keep the forsythia spot dramatic and visually appealing.
To find the right companions, you must ensure they and forsythias share the same conceit: a love for full sun (or part sun if you don't mind losing on a few blooms). Their hardiness zones should overlap, so companions suited for zones 3b through 8 are good. They should also perform well in moist soils. Once the cultural conditions match, focus on when you want to start sprucing up their look. You could start right from winter by planting dogwood and juniper that offer year-round interest. Or, you could focus on the spring-summer transition and whatever lies ahead by growing a mix of foliage-heavy or flowering plants like clematis, coral bells, and lamb's ear to enhance forsythia's staid foliage. Better yet, you could reinforce their spring display with warm yellows or purple accents through tulips and lungwort. With the basics established, find ahead the 25 best plants to grow near forsythia.
Red-twig dogwood
Red-twig dogwood (Cornus sericea) can serve as a beautiful background for shorter forsythia plants, especially in the winter, when their red stems look ornamental. Once forsythias' yellow blooms have faded, dogwoods will continue the show with summery white blooms, fall berries (that will have songbirds salivating), and reddish-purple fall colors. If your forsythia shrubs are taller, grow 'Flaviramea' instead. It's a 6-foot-tall yellow-stemmed cultivar that will begin the golden show right in the winter. Red-twig dogwoods perform well in full sun but need afternoon protection in warmer climates. Unless naturalizing, remove their suckers as they crop up.
'Blue Star' juniper
Where deer are a recurring problem, 'Blue Star' juniper (Juniperus squamata 'Blue Star') might be useful, as this conifer doesn't typically make the tastiest meals. Ornamentally, however, 'Blue Star' shrubs look spectacular with their rounded mounds peppered with bluish-silver needles. A slow-grower, this juniper variety is wider than tall (at 3 feet) and can be grown as a groundcover fronting forsythia. You may also grow it alongside dwarf forsythia cultivars as a compact specimen for year-round interest (and erosion control). It requires a minimum of six hours of direct sunlight and good drainage. Watch for aphids and bagworms.
Woodland crocus
Want to welcome spring at the earliest? Look no further than woodland crocus (Crocus tommasinianus). Even when your garden is wrapped in snow flurries, woodland, or snow crocus, sprouts new grass-like leaves, immediately greening the area. Soon after, it (depending on the cultivar) blooms lilac, lavender, or burgundy flowers from late winter through early spring. As their display overlays forsythia's, growing crocuses underneath as a flowery carpet will add a bold splash of color. Deer, squirrels, and rodents usually don't turn them into nibbles, but take precautionary measures anyway, lest the feral pests change their minds.
Lenten rose
In colder climates where winter sun is scarce, consider growing Lenten rose (Helleborus orientalis) as a forefront to forsythia — particularly in borders. Quick to bloom in late winter, Lenten roses will put on a spectacular show with their pink, red, or white flowers while your forsythia is waking up. Their 'Royal Heritage' cultivar with colorful blooms especially looks becoming. Afterward, their leathery clumps will benefit from forsythia's dappled shade throughout the growth season. However, ensure the soils have a neutral pH and remain evenly moist. Keep away from pets and children, and wear gloves when handling the plant, as it is toxic if ingested and can cause dermatitis.
Early flowering lilac
A hybrid lilac variety, early flowering lilac (Syringa x hyacinthiflora), has a leg up over the common varieties as it blooms nearly ten days before them as the spring zooms in. More than that, however, is that it is highly resistant to powdery mildew — a fungal disease that commonly ails lilacs in summer. Look for purple-flowering cultivars like 'Asessippi,' 'Declaration,' 'Evangeline,' or 'Royal Purple,' as they'll beautifully complement forsythia's yellow colors. Couple the two shrubs as an informal flowering hedge. Or, pop them in foundation beds so you may enjoy lilac's lovely fragrance and dabble in bird watching.
Flowering quince
Like forsythia, flowering quince (Chaenomeles speciosa) produces colorful flowers that will bloom in your garden in early spring. Their pinkish-red flowers (sometimes orange or white, based on the cultivar) contrast beautifully with forsythia's yellow blooms, becoming absolute showstoppers of the garden. Both shrubs can be grown as natural hedges in full sun conditions so long as the soils drain well. Given their spectacular show, they can also be mass-planted in shrub borders. After having enchanted hummingbirds and butterflies with their flowers, flowering quince set quince fruit that you can harvest and set aside for ripening until ready for consumption.
Flame thrower redbud
Flame thrower redbud (Cercis canadensis Flame Thrower 'NC2016-2') is an unrivaled beauty. Every leaf sets out on a unique journey, sprouting as purple, successively aging into reds and bronze until it becomes chartreuse. As you can imagine (or don't — just plant it), these trees support an unstoppable flux of rainbow colors, making them oh-so-flashy. To top it all, they produce pea-sized lavender blooms in spring, followed by green or red fruits that persist through the winter. They can grow 20 feet tall, so use them in forsythia's backdrop. Get them young because they don't respond well to transplantation.
Dwarf flowering almond
Sold horticulturally as 'Rosea Plena,' dwarf flowering almond (Prunus glandulosa 'Sinensis') is another beautiful shrub you can grow as a foreground plant for forsythia. Maxing out at 4 feet, dwarf flowering almonds explode in a cloud of soft pink double blooms (much like carnations), adding a dual wash of color to the spring garden. Their cultural requirements align with forsythia's, faring their best in full sun exposure and moist soil. Both shrubs can be pruned after they're done flowering. Unfortunately, their foliage can grow unsightly, thanks to pests, so restrict their use to isolated corners or naturalized settings.
Give your spring display a massive boost with tulips (Tulipa spp.). Available in a range of colors, sizes, shapes, and forms, tulips can accommodate all your preferences. For instance, to amp up forsythia's sunny display, plant varieties in chartreuse and pale orange colors at the front. To weave a more vibrant contrast, look for magenta or purple-flowering varieties. Irrespective of the choice, make sure to plant your bulbs so they form a soft & natural look. Successively plant early and late-blooming varieties to extend the flower parade. Tulips thrive in full sun in well-drained soils but will take some shade.
Grecian windflower
If you've never had luck planting tulips, try Grecian windflower (Anemone blanda). Typically planted in the fall, Grecian windflower or Balkan anemone sprawls on the ground as a thick mat of fern-like leaves. However, it truly shines in the spring when it's covered in umbels of purplish-blue (sometimes pink) flowers. Given their preference for dappled shade, site anemones underneath your forsythia tree. Or, you could grow them in sunny beds in moist (not wet) soils. Do note that anemones grow dormant in the summer, so if you're looking for year-round interest, this might not be for you. Avoid ingesting the plant, and handled with care to avoid dermatitis.
'Georgia Blue' speedwell
To dissuade bunnies and deer from destroying your flower borders — to whatever limited extent is possible with a famished mammal — grow 'Georgia Blue' speedwell (Veronica peduncularis 'Georgia Blue'). By popping out dainty blue flowers from its reddish-green leafy mound from April through May, 'Georgia Blue' will offer an eclectic contrast with forsythia. In favorable conditions, it may bloom sporadically during summer, exhausting itself in time to assume a yellow overcoat in the fall. Full sun lover, 'Georgia Blue' performs best when it isn't exposed to the winter chill, though mulching assures a reliable comeback next spring.
'Spot On' lungwort
If your landscape beds and borders are moderately shaded and contain neutral soils, you may team forsythia with 'Spot On' lungwort (Pulmonaria 'Spot On'). These perennial beauties mark the spring's end with salmon-pink flowers that transform into deep blues as the temperatures warm. Since lungworts have silver-speckled green foliage, they continue to add visual contrast — without experiencing deer browsing for the most part — even after both plants are done blooming. 'Spot On' grows about 16 inches tall and slightly wider. Moist soils are a must, or the plant might suffer leaf scorch or, worse, powdery mildew.
'Double Play Dolly' spiraea
If your forsythia plant is accenting your sunny garden bed, consider fronting it with drifts of 'Double Play Dolly' spiraea (Spirea hybrid) — ideally in multiples of threes. When forsythias are busy blooming their yellow heads off, spiraeas pitch in with small rounded mounds of orangish-red leaves that eventually turn chartreuse-yellow, amplifying the display. During the spring-summer transition, they burst out gorgeous purple flowers to the utter delight of butterflies and bees. The best part? Deer don't care for their foliage. Although they don't require deadheading, you must prune their dead and damaged stems every other year.
Siberian iris
When planted in multiples of threes or fives, Siberian iris (Iris sibirica) harmonizes beautifully with forsythia. They have a beautiful form wherein their lanceolate bluish-green leaves arch outward like a vase. As for the flowers, they arrive in hordes toward the spring's end and bloom well into summer. Siberian irises share forsythia's sensibilities for moist soil and full-to-part sun. Their blooms are available in several colors, including magenta, lavender, white, and blue, so you're truly spoilt for choices when it comes to creating a visual treat. You might have to monitor their growth for slugs and snails. Handle with care to avoid ingestion and contact dermatitis.
Florida azalea
As forsythias are more of a one-season wonder, growing unexciting after exhausting all blooms, one way to keep the show going is to pair them off with Florida azalea (Rhododendron austrinum). Hailing from the southeast US, Florida azaleas are recognized as native plants for a sustainable approach to attracting hummingbirds. Hummers adore their gold-orange (sometimes nearly red) flowers for nectar and deciduous foliage for harbor and nesting. As azaleas can grow about 10 feet tall, use them as specimens alongside forsythias around the patio, where they receive partial shade. Alternatively, mass the two shrubs in mixed borders. They are toxic to humans — symptoms vary from watery eyes to depression and paralysis.
'Pink Snow Showers' weeping cherry
Love cherry blossoms but aren't too keen on maintenance? Grow 'Pink Snow Showers' weeping cherry tree (Prunus x 'Pink Snow Showers'). This spring beauty can withstand shot hole disease pressure and prefers being left alone, unpruned. As the tree can grow nearly 35 feet tall, it's best grown in forsythia's background. That way, you can enjoy the pink blossoms as they beautifully arch down. Once forsythia has returned to lush greens, these cherry trees will continue to enhance the sunny site with their burnished red leaves in autumn. They, too, favor moist, acidic soils.
'Golden Shadows' pagoda dogwood
If you've planted your forsythia plant in a lightly shaded spot or as an accent in mixed borders, consider coupling it with 'Golden Shadows' pagoda dogwood (Cornus alternifolia 'Golden Shadows'). Given its tiered structure (reminiscent of Japanese pagodas), 'Golden Shadows' will add a textural contrast to your yard. Cradling a flurry of stellate white flowers, its green-flecked yellow leaves will further make the spot pop from spring through summer. Another bonus? You don't ever have to worry about pruning these beautiful garden plants. However, on the off-chance its variegated foliage reverts to all-green, clip those stems.
Glossy abelia
Forsythia's green foliage (after flowering) can serve as a beautiful backdrop for glossy abelia (Abelia x grandiflora) when it continuously blooms gorgeous pink flowers from late spring until frost. Do note that in cold climates (zones 6 and 7), abelia's foliage might undergo winter dieback after showcasing eye-catching reddish-purple fall colors. For more drama, plant cultivars like 'Kaleidoscope' or 'Canyon Creek,' whose foliage transforms with the seasons. Plant these hybrid beauties in mounds to attract pollinators or grow them as arched privacy screens (leave them unpruned). They grow the best in acidic, moist soils receiving full-to-part sun exposure.
Use alliums (Alliums spp.) to inject color into your yard after forsythias are shorn of their yellow blooms. Unlike the rounded or arching habits you're used to, alliums, or ornamental onions, spring pretty spherical heads from strappy green leaves. Best of all, they're available in a plethora of saturated hues like lavender, red, and blue that look spectacular against the forsythia's solid green foliage. Make sure to grow late-blooming varieties in front of the early-bloomers to mask their dying foliage. Alliums top out at 18 inches and are best massed in mixed borders. Retain the seedheads for added summer texture. Avoid ingesting any part of the plant.
'Funyella' Clematis
Available at nurseries under the name 'Funyella,' Proven Winner's recently introduced clematis cultivar 'Golden Dream' (Clematis 'Golden Dream') will surprise you. Atop burgundy stems, 'Funyella' produces two-toned pinkish-yellow, tubular flowers that nod to the ground (unlike other clematis), starting from spring. Plant this flowering vine with forsythia for a wall of continuous color this summer, allowing it to train upon and ramble through the shrub's branches. The canopy will keep clematis' roots shaded while the vines can reach for a part-to-full sun experience. They don't generally require much pruning, but snip the stems after flowering to tidy their appearance.
Mountain clematis
If you would rather enjoy star-shaped flowers all summer long, grow mountain clematis (Clematis montana) instead of 'Funyella.' It, too, is a twining vine and will grow rapidly when trained over your forsythia tree. Full-to-part sun exposure in zones 6 through 9 is ideal. However, you might want to skip it if your garden has acidic soils, as mountain clematis is partial to neutral pH levels. Also, avoid if you've got kids and pets who might unknowingly touch or ingest its parts, as it is highly toxic. Depending on your garden design, choose between pink-flowering cultivars like 'Elizabeth,' 'Majorie,' and 'Freda,' or violet-blooming 'Lilacina. '
'Dolce Spearmint' coral bells
In small gardens supporting low-growing forsythias, layer your plantings with 'Dolce Spearmint' coral bells (Heuchera 'Dolce Spearmint'). These long-blooming perennials max out at 10 inches but spread thrice as wide. During summer, they will animate your mixed beds with myriad butterflies and hummingbirds who will hungrily drink the heavenly nectar from their bi-toned pink flowers. Leave the silvery-green foliage standing in the winter for ornamental interest, but cut it back to the ground during spring to promote growth. They thrive in partial shade, provided the soil is organically rich and has good drainage.
'Sunshine Blue II' bluebeard
When forsythia's yellow blooms are long gone, you can keep its spot bright (especially mid-border) with 'Sunshine Blue II' bluebeard (Caryopteris incana 'Sunshine Blue II') plant's gold foliage. Better yet, enthrall yourself with stunning blue flowers toward the summer's end right up until the plant is frost-killed. Grow 'Sunshine Blue II' in full sun for the best display and attract pollinators without risking herbivory. It's cold, hardy through -20 degrees Fahrenheit (zone 5), and doesn't require deadheading. With good drainage, it can grow about 3 feet tall and just as wide. However, avoid fertile soils.
Lamb's ear
Another way to complement your dwarf forsythia plants is to overlay their facade with lamb's ear (Stachys byzantine). Growing over 1 foot tall and wide, lamb's ear elevates any space with its silvery-green foliage. Ratchet-up summer interest with pink- and lilac-blooming cultivars like 'Primrose Heron' and 'Silky Fleece.' Or, become the talk of the town with 'Cotton Boll,' which — you guessed it — produces flowers that look like cotton balls. Anything on the full-to-part sun spectrum works for these deer-resistant perennials, but be alert for suckers, like aphids. Fun fact: You can grow these plants as an all-natural toilet paper solution.
American beautyberry
As the spring season transitions into summer and forsythia burgeons flowerless glossy foliage, revitalize your landscape with American beautyberry (Callicarpa americana). Around this time, beautyberries bloom blue, pink, or violet flowers upon fuzzy, arching shoots. Even better, they set bracelets of bluish-purple berries that help attract more songbirds to your garden — sometimes right through early winter if the fruits persist. Plant beautyberries in masses to encourage better fruiting. When exposed to full-to-part sun and sited in well-draining soils, they can grow around 8 feet tall. However, you may need to prune them for a neat appearance.