The One Climbing Vine You Should Get Rid Of Immediately If It Pops Up In Your Yard

Your home's garden should be a safe space to cultivate tranquility. Climbing plants can make your backyard a cozy oasis, but some species are more sinister than serene. Rosary pea (Abrus precatorius) is a highly toxic vine that should be eradicated from any yard. This is one invasive plant you should never grow. This poisonous plant, native to India and Asia, made its way to Florida and earned a place on the Federal Noxious Weed List due to severe toxicity. 

The vines are highly invasive and resistant, which is why it's against the law to intentionally grow rosary pea. It contains high levels of arbin, a natural poison, and a single seed can be fatal to humans if consumed. The easiest way to identify rosary pea is by its bright crimson seeds marked with a singular black spot. If you spot rosary bead vines in your garden, it's essential to be proactive and prevent the problem from escalating.

How to get rid of rosary pea vines

Luckily, there are clever ways to keep invasive plants from spreading in your garden. The seeds can spread quickly, so it's best to take action as soon as you identify that you have rosary pea vines in your yard. Your next steps will depend on the severity of the infestation. If the vines are small enough, they can be uprooted by hand or with a shovel or spade and safely discarded. It's essential that you remove the entire root system to prevent regrowth. You should always wear protective eyewear, long sleeves, and gloves when handling rosary pea.

If the situation has progressed past hand-removal, there are chemical methods that can be utilized. Herbicides like triclopyr ester or glyphosate are common. Be sure to read and follow the label instructions on any herbicide that you choose to use. For professional guidance, reach out to your local extension service. 

No amount of rosary pea is safe for human consumption. If you suspect you or a loved one ingested any amount, reach out to Poison Control or seek urgent medical attention. Rosary pea can be a nuisance, but with the right steps and preventative measures, your garden can stay clear of it and be thriving again in no time.
