Reuse An Old Tackle Box In The Garden For Upgraded Seed Storage And Organization

If you've been on the hunt for the perfect seed storage bin, you may have noticed that their designs seem to mirror that of a tackle box. Tackle boxes are small tin or plastic containers to keep all of your fishing gear in its rightful place, but these versatile storage containers can be utilized in a number of creative ways around your home. These include reusing an old tackle box in the garden to store your seeds. Whether you need a seasonal assortment of vegetables or herbs that you can start sowing in late winter, each individual compartment can be labeled to store different types of seeds. With this upgraded seed storage, you can keep all of your gardening essentials organized and in one place, allowing you to transition between indoor and outdoor spaces with ease. 

Before placing your seeds into your tackle box, you'll first want to give it a thorough cleaning. This step is particularly important if you have previously used your tackle box for fishing gear, especially lead lures. These toxins can interact with your seeds and may be dangerous to ingest once they have grown. Before storing your seeds, inspect the tackle box for any other defects, including holes or rust — especially if you're using an old metal option. These areas can allow moisture and humidity into your storage space and can be harmful for your seeds, either making them non-viable or promoting premature germination. You'll want to choose a tackle box with limited damage and a decent amount of storage compartments for the best possible results from your seed storage.

The importance of proper seed storage

You need to properly store garden seeds to keep them fresh for as long as possible. Seeds should be kept in a cool, dry environment that helps prevent premature germination or mold growth. You'll want to choose a storage container that is relatively air and water tight to help keep out any additional moisture before you're ready to begin planting. Additionally, seeds should be stored away from direct sunlight as it can also speed up germination, especially when using a clear, plastic container. In order to properly protect your seeds, you should find a storage area that encompasses these three essential conditions. That's where a tackle box comes in, helping to shield from harmful sunlight and unnecessary humidity that may affect the usability of your seeds with customized compartments for tools and storage. 

It is important to note that there are a few downsides to using a tackle box as seed storage, as it may impact the viability of your seeds down the line. The first is that not all tackle boxes are created equally, and some may not prevent additional humidity from interacting with your seeds. Tackle boxes are known for trapping water inside of their compartments, making it difficult to remove excess humidity if it does get wet. You may need additional seed storage tools to help prevent any damage to your seeds, like air-tight plastic bags or jars. Furthermore, the dividers in some hardware organizers may not be completely flush to the lid. This would allow for the seeds to intermingle with one another, making it difficult to decipher which seeds are which when it's time to plant.

Expanding your tackle box's gardening use

Upcycling an old tackle box does more than just organize your assorted seeds; it also provides the perfect home for all of your essential gardening tools. Whether you need quick access to your favorite pair of pruning shears or your gardening gloves, you'll have ample space to stay organized while you tend to your garden. With sections designated for tools and your seeds, it transforms traditional garden storage into a mobile station that can travel outside with you. Use a label maker to mark each compartment for additional ease, allowing you to grab specific seeds when you need them.

There are also plenty of ways to add to your reused tackle box to assist in the growth of small seedlings. For example, installing a small magnetic strip to the top of the tackle box can keep smaller tools from moving around inside. It can help store tweezes, smaller shears, and scissors with the right amount of space underneath. If you're worried about moisture buildup, you can further moisture-proof your tackle box using silica gel packets. This can be especially useful on tackle boxes that have compromised interiors due to age or damage. Give the exterior a coat of spray paint to breathe further life into your upcycled piece. With a bit of creativity, you can create a practical, organized space for all of your gardening needs.
