How To Turn An IKEA KALLAX Into The Perfect Filing Cabinet
Do you find yourself frequently saying, "I know it's here somewhere," while searching through unorganized piles on your desk? Even in the digital era, it's amazing how quickly many of us accumulate a practically endless assortment of memos, documents, and other items that are begging to be neatly sorted and stored. Filing isn't fun, but when you have the perfect system at your fingertips, it's a lot easier to stay motivated. One simple project to resolve this issue combines IKEA DRONA Boxes with hanging folder frames from Amazon that turn IKEA's KALLAX Shelving Unit into the perfect filing cabinet.
There are so many brilliant IKEA KALLAX DIY's out there, but this may be one of the easiest you'll ever attempt. If you don't already own a KALLAX, think about how much storage you really need before picking one out. Available in white, black-brown, and a stained oak effect color, the open square shelving units come in a wide variety of sizes that can be used either vertically or horizontally with this hack. While you're at IKEA, pick out a few DRONA boxes in any color you like. You'll also need to purchase an Officemate Plastic Hanging File Folder Frame for each of the boxes. And, of course, you'll need some pretty folders like the popular Mr. Pen Pastel Poly File Folder 6 Pack.
Assemble your file frame then sort your documents into labeled folders
The least expensive KALLAX shelf unit is $35, but larger ones will set you back a few hundred dollars. Each filing box will cost you $5 for the DRONA box and $19 for the folder frame. Depending on how many papers you need to store, the cost can add up. Consider checking out Facebook Marketplace or IKEA's As-Is shelves to save a few dollars. The hardest part of this project is assembling your IKEA furniture. Once you've got that finished, the rest will be smooth sailing.
To make your filing boxes, start by assembling the folder frames. Both metal side rails are notched, so you can easily cut them to fit inside the boxes. Snap each end into the narrow slots in the black plastic frames. You'll then place an assembled file frame inside each of the DRONA boxes. Add your file folders before finally sliding the boxes into KALLAX cubes.
Although this hack will help you store thousands of documents, randomly stuffing sheets of paper into folders just to get them off your desk isn't the best approach. Storing documents for too long is one of the mistakes people make when organizing papers. Instead, sort your documents, shred anything sensitive, and go paperless whenever possible. Then, clearly label each folder, making sure to use broad categories. Store documents you use frequently in files at the front of your box, limited-time paperwork like receipts and tax forms in the middle, and permanent folders containing wills and passports toward the back.