11 Trees You'll Want To Plant In Your Yard During Spring (And 5 To Avoid)

As your garden starts to wake up from its winter slumber, you're probably keen to head to your local nursery to see what you can plant to enhance your yard and create a relaxing outdoor space. If you want to plant a new tree in your garden, spring is ideal because it will give it plenty of time to add new growth during the warmer months. While most evergreens are ideally planted in spring, and this is the best time of year to plant a dogwood tree in your yard, there are plenty of other deciduous species that can be planted during this season. Some of the best ones include the eastern redbud, shingle oak, American arborvitae, and the paperbark maple.

When choosing the perfect species, you want to consider the space you have and what you want to achieve. If your yard is not that big, choose a smaller tree that will fit easily without overwhelming the rest of your garden. Your choice will also depend on whether you want a flowering species or you want a cooling shade tree to relax under when the temperatures start to climb. Or, perhaps you want to attract more life to your yard this year, which means you'll want to select a species that'll attract birds, bees, and butterflies. You should also be aware that some deciduous trees are better planted in the fall to allow the roots to establish ahead of the spring growth. These include lindens, elms, and alders. 

Eastern redbud

For glorious spring color, you really can't go past the eastern redbud (Cercis canadensis), which can be grown in USDA hardiness zones 4 through 9. This deciduous tree is perfect for smaller gardens as it only reaches a height of 30 feet. What you'll love about this tree is the pretty clusters of pink flowers in spring, followed by large green heart-shaped leaves that will cover the canopy and provide some welcome shade in summer. These turn a golden yellow color in the fall. The tree will also attract hordes of bees and butterflies when in bloom.

Japanese tree lilac

If you're looking for a tree that has showy scented blooms in summer that may well attract hummingbirds to your yard, why not consider planting a Japanese tree lilac (Syringa reticulata)? This attractive tree can either grow as a single or multi-trunked specimen and will delight you with its enormous clusters of creamy white blooms, followed by green and yellow seed capsules that may stay on the tree through winter. The Japanese tree lilac, which can reach a height of 30 feet, can be grown in zones 3 through 7. The prolific blooms will also attract pollinators. 

Shingle oak

There's nothing quite as majestic as an oak tree, and if you have the space, the shingle oak (Quercus imbricaria) may just be a species to consider. This impressive tree is native to the U.S., and unlike other oak trees, the leaves are not lobed. It will grow in zones 4 through 8 and can reach a height of up to 70 feet. It would make an amazing shade tree in summer, and the glossy green leaves will fill your fall garden with stunning color. This tree is also a magnet for many different wildlife species. 

Maidenhair tree

Another imposing tree for those with large yards is the maidenhair tree (Ginkgo biloba) which can be grown in zones 3 through 9. This prehistoric tree is native to China and has interesting fan-shaped leaves. In well-drained soils, it can reach an impressive height of 80 feet. The lovely wide canopy will provide shade in summer, and the leaves will add some sparkle to your landscape when they turn a golden yellow in the fall. Only the female tree produces fruits, which can be messy, so you might want to opt for a male tree instead.

Bald cypress

The bald cypress (Taxodium distichum) is quite an interesting conifer in that it's deciduous and loses its needles in the fall after they turn a warm brown shade. It grows well in zones 4 through 9 and can handle wet conditions. This makes it a great specimen for people with large yards that have some low-lying areas. The tree provides good nesting sites for birds, and the seeds are loved by wood ducks, turkeys, and squirrels. You might also be surprised to learn that this is one of the oldest living trees in the world. 

Weeping eastern hemlock

If you're looking for a tree with an interesting weeping habit, one of the weeping eastern hemlock cultivars, such as Tsuga canadensis 'Sargentii,' might just fit the bill. While a standard eastern hemlock might reach heights of up to 70 feet, this particular cultivar only gets about 12 feet tall but with a spread of around 30 feet. As an evergreen, this tree will provide shelter for wildlife during the winter months, and birds and mammals will enjoy the seeds in the fall. It can be grown in zones 3 through 7. 

American arborvitae

Prized for its conical growth habit, the American arborvitae (Thuja occidentalis) is a lovely needled evergreen best planted in spring. It grows in zones 3 through 7 and can be commonly seen planted in rows as privacy hedges or windbreaks, but it also makes an outstanding specimen tree, especially in low-maintenance landscapes. Its winter coverage provides nesting sites for songbirds as well as grazing for deer. You might also be interested to know that this species is the Martha Stewart-approved tree that'll add fragrance & attract birds to your yard.

American sweet gum

For brilliant fall foliage, why not consider planting an American sweet gum (Liquidambar styraciflua) this spring? This impressive tree with its large palmate leaves can be grown in zones 5 through 9 and will be a standout in your yard when the leaves turn to brilliant shades of gold, orange, purple, and red. You'll also be pleased to know that this tree supports a range of wildlife, including birds, moths, and small mammals. But make sure you give it plenty of space, as it can reach a height of 100 feet.

Seven-son flower tree

If you're looking for a smallish tree that only grows to about 20 feet, with fragrant blooms in summer and fall, take a look at the seven-son flower tree (Heptacodium miconioides), which will grow in zones 5 through 9. The white flowers are filled with nectar and will attract pollinators to your garden. After these, the tree intensifies its colorful display with red to purple rounded seeds. Even in winter, this tree will add interest to your landscape with its exfoliating bark to reveal the white wood underneath.

Paperbark maple

Another tree with the most stunning peeling bark is the paperbark maple (Acer griseum), which will grow in zones 4 through 8. The exfoliating bark is red to purple and curls up as it peels back but remains on the tree rather than shedding completely. In the fall the leaves turn brilliant shades of orange and red, and these can also persist on the tree well into winter. The paperbark maple can grow to 30 feet and makes an excellent shade tree in summer. It also attracts pollinators and songbirds.

Quaking aspen

Nothing is as spectacular as the contrast shown by these quaking aspens (Populus tremuloides) when their foliage turns a lovely golden color in the fall. This pretty glow is set off spectacularly by the almost pure white trunks on trees that can reach a height of 50 feet. If you live in zones 1 through 6, you might like to plant one of these in your yard in spring. But be aware, although this species is native to the U.S., it is on the Wisconsin invasive plant list, so check with your own municipality before planting one. 

Avoid: American elm

Some trees are better planted in the fall, and the American elm (Ulmus americana) is one of these. Planting in the fall while the ground is still relatively warm but the weather is starting to cool allows the tree to focus on producing a strong root system over the colder months and avoids heat and water stress during summer. The American elm, which can reach a height of 80 feet, can be grown in zones 3 through 9. It attracts pollinators, butterflies, songbirds, and small mammals that feed on the seeds.

Avoid: Smooth alder

Another tree that is better planted in the fall is the smooth alder (Alnus serrulata). This tree will thrive in zones 4 through 9 and is perfect for smaller yards because it only reaches a height of 15 feet. It loves moist soil conditions, which is also why it's best planted in fall rather than spring. This gives the tree enough time to become established and produce its nectar-rich flower clusters in the spring that will attract birds to your yard. 

Avoid: American hackberry

The American hackberry (Celtis occidentalis) is a lovely shade tree which can grow to a height of 60 feet, and should be planted in the fall. It grows well in zones 3 through 9 and produces dark red fruits, making it one of those fruit and berry trees to grow in your yard that birds love. Small mammals will often feed on the fruits too. This lovely tree is also a host for a number of butterfly species, namely the question mark, American snout, morning cloak, and tawny emperor butterfly species.

Avoid: American linden

Another stunning shade tree you might be considering is the American linden (Tilia americana), but hold off planting this one until the fall. It does have some drought tolerance but only after it has become established, so giving it plenty of time over the colder months is ideal. It can be grown in zones 3 through 8, and you'll love the drooping clusters of yellow flowers from late spring through summer. These are fragrant and will attract pollinators to your yard. This tree can reach a height of 80 feet.

Avoid: Florida sugar maple

If you love maple trees, you may have considered planting a Florida sugar maple (Acer floridanum), which is not considered invasive in the U.S. and can be grown in zones 6 through 9. The fall leaves on this tree will give you a glorious color display of yellow, orange, and red. This lovely tree can reach a height of 60 feet, and the early spring blooms provide a good source of nectar for pollinators. On top of that, it makes a great shade tree in summer.
