These Herbs Are The Perfect Companion Plants For Avocado Trees

If you have luscious avocado trees growing in your garden, then you'll be pleased to know that you can utilize the space underneath to grow a variety of different herbs. There are a number of species that make excellent companion plants for avocado trees. When planting these herbs beneath your trees, take extra care to avoid disturbing the roots. Avocado trees have a fairly shallow root system and the feeder roots are often found in the top six inches of the soil, so minimal disturbance is recommended. Ideally, you want to plant your companion herbs at least 2 feet away from the trunk of the tree. Some of the best herb companions for your avocado include lavender and basil to attract pollinators, onions and garlic to deter pests, and comfrey to provide additional nutrients.

Lavender makes a superb partner for your avocado tree because it will lure in plenty of pollinators when it's in bloom. Although avocado trees are self-fertile, it helps to have two or more trees of different types, as this is one of the ways you can make avocado trees produce more fruit. Of course, pollination requires bees and other insects to move the pollen from one flower to another. That's why lavender makes such a good ally because it will attract both honey bees and bumblebees. Similarly, when basil blooms, it will draw bees to its heavily clustered flowers. The basil will also appreciate the dappled shade provided by the avocado trees.

Herbs to deter pests and provide nutrition

It's pretty common knowledge around gardening communities that both onion and garlic plants can be really helpful in keeping insect pests away from other species they're paired with. Garlic, in particular, can deter beetles, mites, and fruit flies. This means it can certainly be beneficial when grown under your trees because avocados can be susceptible to some of these pests including red mites, avocado bud mites, ambrosia beetles, persea mites, and exotic fruit flies. Garlic also repels spider mites — another common pest that can be a major threat to your avocado tree. Both onions and garlic contain certain compounds that interfere with the sensory receptors of these pests, which is what makes these allies so good as avocado tree companion plants.

Finally, comfrey is another great herb that will benefit your avocado trees when grown nearby. It's one of the best herbs to grow in your garden for healthy soil and an easy DIY fertilizer. Comfrey has a deep root system that has the ability to find and bring nutrients buried in lower soil levels to the surface. It also accumulates nutrients such as phosphorus, potassium, and calcium in its leaves and stems. Additionally, comfrey flowers will attract pollinators and the huge leaves can be cut, shredded, and used as nutrient-rich mulch under your trees. 
