Add A Rain Basin To Your Yard For A Stylish Upgrade To Your Gutter

When it comes to watering your garden for free, you can't beat a rain basin — or, as many people call it, a rain barrel. This practical addition to your yard doesn't have to be just utilitarian, though; it can also be stylish. Installing your own rain barrel is an easy DIY project, and if you choose the right one, it can be a visual improvement over the end of the gutter it's hiding. Even if you don't love the way yours looks now, there are ways to improve its aesthetic appeal — by either disguising it or giving it a makeover. With a little planning and a bit of creativity, a rain basin can be an asset to your yard's appearance, not just a practical, eco-friendly way to keep your garden watered.

Before adding any rain basin to your yard, be sure to check your local laws. In Utah and Colorado, for instance, collecting rainwater is illegal. That said, the easiest way to add style to your yard with a rain basin is to start with an attractive one. See how HGTV's Ben Napier used a stylish alternative to typical rain barrels to enhance his wife's greenhouse. 

Something like the Gardener's Supply Company 65-Gallon Rainwater Collection Urn will add instant character to your yard, but it will also cost you several hundred dollars. Many communities have rain barrel giveaways. These usually won't cost you anything, but they also may not be as pleasing to the eye.

Spruce up your rain basin and your gutters

Rain barrels that boost your garden and conserve water come in many shapes, sizes, and materials. Even if your rain basin is beautiful, you might want to consider taking a few extra steps so it doesn't just look plunked down at the bottom of your gutter. For instance, you can build a gravel pathway, like Instagrammer @abby_roadhome did. The path makes the rain basin's placement feel intentional and almost like a destination rather than a utilitarian addition.

You may also want to consider adding strategic plantings that won't be in the way of your hose when you hook it up but that can soften the look of the barrel and make it appear as though it's been there for years. This tip can also work if you already have a rain barrel that isn't quite the beautiful focal point you want it to be. You may, however, also want to consider giving it a facelift. 

There are plenty of ways to turn a plain old rain barrel into something you love. For instance, you can use scrap wood and aluminum to turn it into a faux whiskey barrel, or get out your paint to make an artistic statement. You can turn your rain barrel into a hydroponic garden, which will make it not only a multifunctional tool in your yard but a beautiful one. You can even combine some or all of these ideas to make your rain barrel a unique and stylish addition to your yard.
