The Obvious & Affordable Plant Stand Hack We Should Have Been Using All Along
Cascading plants deserve to hang so that light passes through and illuminates their draping foliage. If making holes in the ceiling for hooks isn't feasible, your potted friend can still dangle freely with the help of a humble toilet paper holder. A simple metal stand with a sturdy base can be had for under $20, and is an inexpensive and fun way to show off your favorite houseplant. Suspended from a sleek, minimalist stand, plants both vining and bushy will stun with the added height and drama.
Sourcing the right holder is important, since not every model will support the weight of a hanging potted plant. The best option is the type of holder that has an offset metal base that the hook hangs over. This will give you better balance than a stand with a circular base. A holder like the DECLUTTR Free Standing Bathroom Toilet Paper Stand fits the bill. This stand's rectangular base will keep it balanced. It comes in both black and nickel for a reasonable $16.99 on Amazon.
TP stands for transformative placement
Toilet paper stands free up horizontal space while providing a renter-friendly, hole-free solution for hanging plants. Stands with screw-in posts are extra versatile, as with a twist the hook can rotate 180 degrees. While rotating the stand will alter the balance, there is a simple solution: All you have to do is place the stand at the edge of a table or shelf and rotate it so that greenery spills down, then place another weighty potted plant on the base to keep the stand secure.
These stands can also create a visual interest boost for your indoor plantscape. Plants set at differing levels encourage the eyes to travel as they take in the greenery. Consider breaking up areas already crowded with plants with a toilet paper stand. Essentially, two plants can take the place formerly occupied by one. Hang one, place the other on the base on a credenza, dresser, desk, or virtually any horizontal surface in your home.
Since this trick relies on a hanging plant, you can extend your money savings by crafting DIY hanging planters. Assemble them with repurposed items like old t-shirts, plastic bottles, or embroidery hoops. If you have cuttings you're hoping to propagate, try reusing old glass jars in a hanging planter.