Does It Actually Matter Which Direction Your Toilet Paper Faces?

From roommates to your own family members, if you've ever shared a bathroom, you've likely found yourself caught in a heated debate about toilet paper (of all things). When your toilet paper roll runs out and the time comes to replace it, you're faced with the contentious decision about the orientation of your toilet paper roll on the holder. Your first option is to place the roll so that the end of the toilet paper is on the front of the roll, away from the wall. Alternatively, the roll can be placed so that the end of the toilet paper is on the back of the roll, against the wall. Though this debate may seem a bit silly, there are benefits and drawbacks to each option, and the direction your toilet paper roll faces can make a difference.

While the original patent for a toilet paper roll showed the end in front of the roll, there are factors that may make the behind orientation better for you, like style, practicality, and hygiene. A toilet paper roll with the ends in the front may be more sanitary, while a roll with the ends in the back is less likely to get unrolled by children, pets, or other unintentional causes. Plus, either one may be preferred aesthetically, especially on a toilet paper holder that fits your quirky bathroom aesthetic.

Why you should wrap toilet paper in front of the roll

If cleanliness and convenience are your main priorities, then wrapping the toilet paper in front of the roll will be best for you. In this position, you pull the toilet paper over the roll, reducing contact with the wall behind it. By not having the toilet paper or your hand brush against the wall, you minimize the number of surfaces you touch with potentially germ-covered hands, which theoretically reduces the transfer of germs and bacteria around the bathroom. In particular, it might help prevent the spread of food-poisoning germs. Although there is not conclusive evidence from studies actually comparing the hygiene of the two methods, the reasoning about touching less surfaces in the bathroom is compelling, especially if all you need to do is flip your toilet paper roll. Also, if sanitation is of paramount importance in your bathroom, remember that there are hidden issues to consider before storing extra toilet paper in your bathroom.

Another benefit of installing the toilet paper so the ends hang over the roll is convenience. When placed in this orientation, the toilet paper is slightly closer to the user, making it easier to reach. The paper being on top also gives you more room to maneuver, making it more likely to get a clean tear along the perforation. Of course, the ease of rolling also makes this position vulnerable to accidental overuse in a way that wrapping the toilet paper under the roll prevents.

In defense of wrapping toilet paper behind the roll

As compelling as the germ argument may be, there are some situations that definitely benefit from a roll that wraps under instead of over. Parents and pet owners know the frustration of seeing a whole roll of toilet paper scattered around the bathroom, or even the whole house. While children and pets may find ways to tear at the paper regardless, the under orientation makes it harder to quickly unravel the whole roll because rather than unrolling, the roll will simply spin around and around until whichever little one is playing with it hopefully gets bored and leaves. Plus, if it touches the wall, the tension can make it harder to unroll.

Similarly, the ever-so-slightly increased difficulty might make your toilet paper roll last longer by subtly encouraging you to use less. Rolls wrapped under pose less of a risk of accidentally unraveling more than you need for normal use. So, overall, if you are looking to save your toilet paper from waste either due to small accidents or messy kids or pets, hanging the paper under the roll may be the solution for you. 

The direction of your toilet paper matters, and the best way to orient it depends on your needs. Whatever you choose, make to use some DIY bathroom storage ideas to hide extra toilet paper in style.
