Why A Black Chain-Link Fence Is Sometimes Better Than Wood
Thousands of homeowners choose to frame their yards with a wooden fence, either as the initial type of enclosure for the property or as a replacement for an old fence. Wood is the most popular fence material, partially due to the privacy and aesthetic appeal it provides. However, chain-link fences — particularly black-coated ones — provide some benefits that wooden fences don't offer. They require less maintenance, can last longer, are less labor-intensive to install, and cost less than wooden fences.
Although this fence style doesn't offer any privacy compared to wood, that doesn't mean you can't cover your chain-link fence with privacy tape or slats later. By doing this, you can enjoy minimal maintenance and visibility blockage between yards without the high price tag of wood. Whether you want privacy or not, a black chain-link fence can be a better option than wood if you want to spend less money on the installation and less time on the upkeep.
It requires less maintenance and can last longer
Unlike a traditional silver or gray chain-link fence with a metallic appearance, a black fence features a black powder or vinyl coating. This additional layer protects the fence from weather-related deterioration, including rust, fading, and corrosion, that tends to occur over time with an uncoated fence. You might see pieces of the coating chip off after a while, but these tiny gaps can be easily filled with fence paint.
The various types of wooden fences can't rust, but they can rot, crack, fade, warp, weaken, and sustain other forms of weather damage. Even with a protective chemical treatment, a wood fence requires regular maintenance in the form of staining, sealing, repairing, cleaning, and/or painting to extend its lifespan. Cedar wood doesn't require as much maintenance as pine and offers protection that's more comparable to steel, but it costs more.
Because of the minimal upkeep required, black chain-link fences typically last several years longer than wood. A high-quality, properly installed and maintained chain-link fence can last 20 years or more, which is a little longer than wood; a wooden fence with proper installation and maintenance can last 15 to 20 years on average.
It's cheaper and less labor-intensive to install
Since chain-link fences aren't solid like wood and include significantly less material, they weigh much less. For example, a 6-by-8-foot pine fence with 1-by-6-inch pickets weighs about 130 pounds, totaling just 48 square feet, while a 50-foot roll of a 3.5-foot-tall chain-link fence weighs a similar 125 pounds but totals 175 square feet. These characteristics make chain-link fences easier and faster to install compared to wood with its multiple pickets, rails, runners, and sometimes other components. With fewer materials, easier and faster installation, and lighter weight, the labor isn't as intensive as it is for wood, which equates to a lower overall cost.
How low is "lower"? A chain-link fence can be anywhere from 3 to 12 feet tall, so the overall dollar amount depends on both the height and the length. The taller the fence, the greater the expense per linear foot, but the average installation cost for a black chain-link fence ranges from $10 to $34 per linear foot, or $1,500 to $5,100 for a 150-foot-long fence, according to HomeGuide. In comparison, a wooden fence comes with a price tag of $20 to $50 per linear foot, or $3,000 to $7,500 for 150 feet.
If your primary goal is to fence in your yard to contain a dog or child during playtime and save money with minimal upkeep, a black chain-link fence might be the way to go. Plus, you may find it just as attractive as a wooden fence, especially if you add hedge slats.