Do Homeowners Get To Keep The Furniture On Mike Holmes' Renovation Shows?

Since his first episode of "Holmes on Homes" aired in 2003, professional contractor and home inspector Mike Holmes has performed well over 200 home renovations. Holmes does more than just correct issues that have been caused by previous contractors or neglected by home inspectors; he brings safe, reliable, and beautiful homes to families in need. We all love to see the big reveal after a renovation, but there's one question that viewers often have about shows like "Fixer Upper" or "100 Day Dream Home": Do contestants get to keep the furniture? Most TV shows will only temporarily stage homes for the big reveal, but Holmes does things a little bit differently. His son, Mike Holmes Jr., revealed that in most situations, the homeowners actually do get to keep much of the furniture. "Sometimes we bring in staging companies," said Holmes Jr., (via Make It Right), "Most of the times, especially if the family is in dire need, we end up covering the cost to help give everything the homeowner has in the house." 

HGTV has already confirmed what we all suspected about home renovation shows, which is that most of the renovation and temporary housing costs are covered by the homeowners. This also includes any furniture and decor that the family decides to keep after the show. However, Holmes often gives homeowners the furniture for free, especially if they really need it.

Furnishings stay with the families

There are plenty of celebrities that act chivalrous during filming, but Mike Holmes is known for caring about the people he works with even after cameras stop rolling. For example, Holmes assisted in rebuilding homes after Hurricane Katrina and was celebrated as Forbes' third-most trustworthy celebrity in 2012. Most renovation TV shows will bring in trendy furniture and decor to make the big reveal that much more impactful. Holmes' shows are no exception to this, but the contractor goes above and beyond by allowing many homeowners to keep the furniture at little to no cost. His son, Mike Holmes Jr., said via Make It Right, "Our goal is helping people, and helping them furnish their homes is also a part of that experience." 

How do Holmes and his crew make it possible for families to receive such a wonderful gift? While every situation is unique, Holmes' renovation projects are often supported by sponsors, who make donations in the form of money, labor, building supplies, or furniture to support people in need. The Holmes family's own production company also contributes. Like many other HGTV stars, Holmes and his crew may also refurbish or restyle existing furniture in the home. Even if homeowners still have to foot some of the bill for the renovation, they don't usually pay full cost, making it possible to budget for new furniture if needed. For those of us who aren't candidates for the TV shows, there's still plenty to be gained from following Holmes' best tips and tricks for a seamless renovation.
