Leftover Containers Are Your New Secret Protection For All Your Wool Clothes
Got wool clothing items you're planning to put away for the season? Cover those pieces with an extra layer of protection before storing them away. Unfortunately, wool is often a moth's go-to meal. Moth larvae feed on a protein called keratin that is present in wool clothing. Guarding your wool pieces will prevent the larvae from eating holes into them. You don't have to go out and purchase expensive storage solutions to do this. Consider using leftover containers as your new secret protection for all of your wool clothes instead. Roll and fold the wardrobe items, then place them inside of food containers, jars, and other airtight storage solutions you already have at home. This will not only keep moths out, but it will also block out moisture and dust.
Once you place all of your wool clothes in containers, you can set them onto a shelf at the top of your closet to keep everything neat and out of the way. Alternatively, you could set the clothes inside of a hallway closet used to store seasonal items to save storage space in your bedroom closet. Consider placing the storage containers inside of a larger box or bin to keep them all in one place. This makes it easy to locate all of your wool pieces quickly when you need to use them.
Use jars and containers to protect your wool clothes
To get your wool clothes to fit into your containers, you may need to experiment with different folding techniques to ensure that the fabric is as compactly stored as possible. Folding each piece and then rolling the fabric up so that it's even tighter is a good idea. When you're done, make sure to tightly seal the container shut by placing a lid on top. It is important to be sure to only use airtight containers so moths, moisture, and household odors can't sneak inside.
For even more protection, and to kill any moth larvae that may have made its way onto your wool clothing items, consider adding moth repellent to the jar. Products like moth balls or flakes will work. This may be a better option than the essential oils the content creator used since the repellents are specifically formulated to be effective at keeping moths out. Again, you need to make sure that you only use these repellents inside of airtight containers so that the vapors can build up inside. If you choose to go this route, you may need to wash your wool clothing before wearing it again to clean off the scent of these products.