Can You DIY Privacy Glass With Rust-Oleum Spray (And Is It A Good Idea)?
The need for privacy can be universal, whether you live in a condo, apartment, or single-family home. Sometimes, your house may be too close to another property, or you just have a nosy neighbor who peers through your windows like something out of a classic sitcom. If you want to create more privacy in your home, you could opt for the tried-and-true method of using privacy film. However, have you considered using Rust-Oleum Frosted Glass Spray Paint to create DIY privacy glass? If so, you may be wondering if it is a good idea. Yes, you can use the spray paint to create a frosted glass effect on your windows; however, there are caveats. You can only apply the finish to your interior glass, which may prove difficult in a tight, poorly ventilated space. In addition, the frosted glass spray isn't permanent, so renters can theoretically use it, but it can be tricky to remove.
The Frosted Glass paint is an oil-based spray finish that adds a frosted sheen to glass, such as windows, mirrors, and skylights. After its application, the glass appears as if customized with an etched, opaque effect, but still lets in light. The budget-friendly spray paint makes it an attractive choice for obscured windows. Yet, before you pick up a can at the store, here's what to know to frost your windows for maximum privacy.
What to know about making DIY privacy glass
Decorating your windows with a frosted effect courtesy of Rust-Oleum is an easy process, but it requires careful attention. You'll need to open windows and run fans, plus wear a mask, because use may lead to a heavy smell of spray paint permeating your home. First, prepare the surface by cleaning the glass and removing any dirt or dust with soap and water. Next, cover the surrounding area carefully to catch any spray mist. Once the glass dries, you can apply the finish, spraying one coat, waiting a bit, and then following it with a second coat. Move carefully, as users complain that the finish easily streaks. Per the manufacturer, Frosted Glass dries fully in 10 minutes; at that point, the frost appears on the glass. Rust-oleum cautions against using the paint on any glass repeatedly exposed to water, so you should avoid applying it to a window located within a shower.
The spray can be a solution for privacy, but some reviewers say it can be easily scraped off accidentally. When it comes to removal, you will need patience, acetone, a razor blade or paint scraper to scrape it away. Due to the time-consuming process, renters might want to avoid making DIY privacy glass improvements. Tenants must also adhere to their lease conditions, so they should check their contract and their landlord before making any alterations to the property's glass. If they say no or the lease forbids it, it's possible you can use window film to boost your home's privacy instead.