The Home Items You Should Never Store In Your Bedroom Closet

It might be tempting to just toss everyday household items into your bedroom closet, especially if you're on a mission to declutter your home. But there are a few things that should never make their way into your clothes closet. Bulk cleaning supplies and toiletries can create an unnecessary mess amongst your clothing storage, taking up much-needed organizational space and introducing a potential for dangerous spills. To protect your clothing and reduce unnecessary clutter, you should never store bulk cleaning supplies or toiletries within your bedroom closet.

Whether it's a small spill from an all-purpose cleaner or residue on the outside of a bottle of bleach, a leak can ruin your favorite outfits, shoes, and even jewelry. For example, if you stored bleach on a wire shelf above your hanging clothes and it spilled, your clothes could be permanently stained. The residue left on each bottle can present a potential hazard to your clothing, as it can drip or rub against garments. Chemicals aren't the only risk to your wardrobe, as toiletries like perfumes, tanning lotions, and toothpaste can all stain clothing if they come in contact.

Further, you should also keep cleaning supplies away from any flammable materials, including clothes, for safety reasons. It is much safer to properly store your cleaning supplies and toiletries in a well-ventilated area of your home to avoid any disastrous situations. 

Safely storing your cleaning supplies and toiletries

When it comes to storing your cleaning supplies, safety is the number one priority. All cleaning supplies should be kept in a cool, dry area of your home. It should also be well-ventilated in order to prevent fumes from building up. Cabinets can be perfect spaces to store everyday cleaning supplies like an all-purpose spray for countertops under the kitchen sink and toilet cleaner under the bathroom sink. Unlike bedroom closets, these areas may make it easier to keep these supplies out of reach for children or pets — you can easily lock the cabinet, while keeping your closet locked may be more challenging. 

For larger items like brooms and mops, store them in a designated closet or cupboard that suits their size. When storing chemicals, be mindful of the potential for cross-contamination, whether it's an unassuming leak or lingering residue on the side of the bottle, as mixing certain chemicals can be dangerous. You might want to grab a few storage baskets to keep household chemicals that should never be mixed away from one another.

Bulk toiletries need less specialized storage, but it is important to avoid cluttering up your cabinets with unnecessary purchases. These should be stored based on their intended function; for example, store paper towels and toilet paper in obvious spots that keep them accessible. You want to keep your toiletry storage space uncluttered, especially in smaller spaces like bathrooms. If you notice that you are continually running out of room in your designated areas, it might be best to buy a limited quantity of toiletries.
