How To Ensure Your Bathroom Ceiling Lights Are Safe
When was the last time you thought about your bathroom ceiling lights? Unless you were changing a lightbulb or looking for bathroom lighting fixture makeovers to save you money, probably not recently. But since water and electricity are a lethal combination, taking a moment to make sure your bathroom ceiling lights are safe is well worth it. You should inspect the light regularly for damage, check that the fixture is safe, and ensure your lights are properly rated for their location in the bathroom to do this.
Bathrooms are often wet, humid, or both, which can mean damage to bathroom ceiling lights. First things first, complete a visual inspection to see what you're dealing with. It's best to do a quick inspection regularly, especially in bathrooms that are used often. Turn off the light, grab a flashlight and a ladder, and take a close look at the light fixture. Moist environments can cause corrosion, so look carefully at the exterior and interior of the fixture to make sure you don't miss anything. If all looks clear, double-check that the electricity is off before checking the light housing. Do you see any noticeable damage or corrosion inside? What about loose wires? If you notice any of these in or on your bathroom ceiling light, stop and call your electrician.
Install the right fixture the right way
After checking for damage, make sure the bathroom ceiling light itself is safe. The fixture should be flush with and mounted to the wall to prevent any water or moisture from getting inside. If this isn't your style, don't worry — there's an easy way to make your dreaded flush-mount dome light stunning with a conversion kit. Finally, check that all bulbs are fully enclosed and safe from any splashes. Incandescent light bulbs may explode if they make contact with water, so skip the Hollywood-style bare bulb lighting trend in your bathroom and swap for enclosed lights.
Next, make sure that the fixtures currently in your bathroom are rated for water exposure. Bathroom lights have IP ratings — a gauge of how much outside material (like water) is allowed through the fixture — to tell what fixture can be safely used where. Bathroom ceiling lights should have at least be rated IP44 to protect them from splashes, humidity, and ever-present moisture. The IP rating is typically located on the fixture's specifications on the box. If you no longer have the packaging, a quick online search should find the rating and help you determine if your ceiling lights are safe. An electrician can also help you verify the IP rating of your ceiling lights and if they're installed safely.