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Get On Trend And DIY Your Own Bifold Barn Doors For Your Closet

Your closet doors occupy a considerable amount of visual space within your home's bedrooms and hallways, and as a result, they can have a significant impact on your interiors. If you're tired of the plain, outdated look that these fixtures have in your home, it might be time for an upgrade. Bifold closet doors, in particular, are a popular replacement choice thanks to their space-saving design and straightforward functionality. There are plenty of creative ways to give new life to basic bifold closet doors, which means you can easily transform them to match your preferred style. If you're interested in revamping your living areas with more of a rustic vibe, then you can give these folding installations a trendy barn door look with the help of a simple DIY.

TikTok user @taybrice has a smart way to put together a set of bifold barn doors that you can easily follow without having to build everything from scratch. In a quick tutorial video, the homeowner glues down a few strips of plywood to the outside of a new flat panel bifold door in a ladder-like formation. Then, the doors are primed and painted, giving them a unified look, with the TikTok user installing a sliding hardware track kit along the top. The end result is a fashionable fixture that makes the entire room look more upscale. This project is definitely one of the best ways to give your closet doors a decorative update, and it doesn't require any special tools or woodworking knowledge.

How to put together a set of bifold barn doors

The first step in assembling your new closet doors is to find and purchase a set of basic, flat panel bifold doors that match the size of your closet's entryway. Unfold the door, measure it, and clean it so that it's ready for adhesives. Next, cut down a few thin planks of plywood for the door surface's pattern. The planks you cut should form a rectangular frame along the edge of each door panel. You'll also need a few extra lengths of wood that can fit horizontally within these frames to create a ladder pattern. Dry fit all of the pieces to make sure they come together neatly, and then attach them to the door with wood glue and a nail gun. You may want to use clamps, such as these affordable Romeda Heavy Duty Spring Clamps, to hold everything in place while it's drying.

Next, you'll need to apply acrylic-latex caulk between the wood joints to seal them. Don't use silicone caulk, because you won't be able to paint it. Once that's done, it's time to prime and paint. Make sure to select a color that matches the rest of your interior. Finally, install a SMARTSTANDARD Bi-Folding Sliding Barn Door Hardware Kit, or a similar product with the same functionality, along the top of your closet's door. Before you fit the door into place, consider using a laser level to ensure that the overhead track is perfectly straight.

Additional tips for installing bifold barn doors for your closet

Although @taybrice uses white paint on the bifold barn doors, you could easily opt for a different color that better complements your home's style. A can of KILZ Tribute Spice Brown Cabinet Paint, for example, will allow your new closet door to give your space a richer, more dramatic appearance. If you have farmhouse décor in your home, you could instead sand down the surface of your door with a few different grits before you start the project, and then apply a couple layers of wood stain in place of the paint. A product such as Varathane Fast-Dry Dark Walnut Wood Stain should help make your door look both timeless and elegant.

If you want to make opening and closing your bifold doors a bit easier, then you should also consider installing traditional knobs and handles alongside the components of your barn door hardware kit. Do you have a patch of open wall space along the left or right of your closet? If so, you could also consider opting for a single-panel sliding barn door instead, since it will be equally stylish. Though such a fixture will likely take up more space, it might be a bit easier to open, and could even look a bit more luxurious. If you're going to spruce up the rest of your room with a rustic décor aesthetic, your furniture and accent pieces should primarily utilize neutral or natural color tones.
