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The Simple Cleaning Tip That Keeps Your Polished Concrete Floors Shining Like New

Polished concrete floors have a way of enhancing the aesthetics of a space thanks to their signature shiny finish that makes any room feel expansive. It's no wonder these floors are a popular choice in homes and outdoor areas. However, many people assume that the shine of a polished concrete surface comes without upkeep. In reality, the no-maintenance reputation is a myth. Even though polished concrete is more forgiving than many other floor types, there is a simple cleaning tip that keeps them shining like new. In addition to regular surface cleaning, buffing polished floors is an important step in the process. 

You don't want to dive right into floor buffing, however. Instead, it's important to understand other methods, such as buffing vs burnishing floors, to make sure it's the best option for you. Buffing is the process of essentially repolishing the top layer of the material to bring back its shine while also taking care of small issues like superficial scratches. You can achieve this by using a microfiber pad or renting a floor buffing machine for larger areas. Some people opt to seal their polished concrete floors after the cleaning and buffing process for additional protection, but this step is optional. When you look at how much it costs to install polished concrete floors, cleaning methods like DIY buffing are an affordable way to help promote longevity.

The best cleaning tip to preserve polished concrete

The first step of the buffing process does not involve buffing the floors at all! You'll need to give the polished concrete floor a gentle cleaning to remove any debris before moving on to buffing. To do this, you can use a microfiber mop to dust the surface before going in with a wet mop to ensure there is no buildup. Make sure the mop is not saturated with water, and try to use a pH neutral cleaner, like Zep Neutral PH Industrial Floor Cleaner. It can be tempting to go straight for stronger methods, but it's important to avoid steam cleaning polished concrete for the best results. While gentle cleaning is a must, you should also complete these steps on a regular basis to keep the floor in top condition. 

The exact buffing steps for polished concrete will depend on your chosen method. For example, if you're using a cloth to buff and clean the floors, try to envision the process used to buff the paint on a car. You'll want to use small circular motions to buff the floors and bring back the shine. It is important to note this option is more labor-intensive than using a machine, no matter what you're buffing. Completing this cleaning hack with a floor buffing machine still requires you to choose a pad with the proper abrasiveness for your concrete, depending on how much restoration it needs. Be sure to work slowly to avoid streaks or an uneven finish, and always wear protection like a mask and goggles when buffing a floor.
