Cleaning Under Large Appliances Is Easy By Using A Quick Sock Hack
When was the last time you cleaned under your refrigerator, washer, or dryer? Maybe it was the day you moved into your new furnished home a few years back or, perhaps, you're blanking on the date? If that's the case, chances are the areas under your large appliances are incredibly dirty. Besides harboring dust, these areas might also be guilty of holding food crumbs, grease, a few Jenga blocks, your "lost" earrings, and other debris. Although you're forgetting to clean these places because out-of-sight equals out-of-mind, they might attract pests such as cockroaches, ants, and rodents. However, if you're dreading moving your heavy appliances to clean underneath them, there's a quick sock hack you can use to simplify the task.
All you have to do is pull on an old or orphan sock on a wire hanger or yardstick and use it to swipe the area under your appliances. Using this method, you can clean under large appliances without moving or unplugging them. Plus, you won't have to spend any money on dedicated gap cleaners. Bonus advantage: You get to repurpose your old socks around the house instead of dumping them out and adding to the 17 million tons of textile waste in landfills, according to data from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Win-win! That being said, keep in mind that this hack will only work if there's some space between the floor and your appliances. Otherwise, you'll have to move them to clean the space beneath them.
How to use the sock hack to clean under large appliances
Once you have the sock (pantyhose work, too, in a jiffy) and hanger in hand, slip it over one end and your gap cleaner is ready. In case you're using a yardstick, get a rubber band to keep the sock in place and ensure you don't lose it underneath one of your large appliances. Now, get down on your knees and use your DIY contraption like a broom to bring out the large debris and dust bunnies, and gather your lost items. Be gentle and don't swipe it around recklessly, or you risk moving half the debris and small items to the back of the appliance or under another one that's nearby (like a washer and dryer).
After you're sure there are no other large items hiding underneath an appliance, replace the sock on your gap cleaner and dampen it with a multi-purpose cleaner. If you don't have a cleaner handy, mix a little bit of liquid dish soap with water in a spray bottle and sprinkle the solution over the sock so it's damp to the touch. Next, move it like a mop under your appliances to remove the lingering dirt and grime. Remember, you might have to change your angle a few times to sufficiently clean the entire area underneath your large appliances. When you're done, wash both the socks, dry them, and put them away for next time — preferably after three or four months.