What Is The Hole At The Top Of Your Bathroom Sink For?
If you are not a plumber or sink installation expert, there may be some components of your bathroom sink you have yet to learn about. You might assume that familiarizing yourself with these things doesn't matter. However, gaining a better understanding of how your bathroom sink works can help you avoid bathroom plumbing mistakes and maintenance problems. This knowledge also makes it easier to ensure all components are cleaned properly. One design feature you might be unsure about is that hole at the top of your bathroom sink. This is typically referred to as an overflow drain or a sink overflow. Its purpose is to prevent water from overflowing out of the sink and to help the sink drain smoother.
Thanks to your bathroom's overflow drain, your bathroom won't flood as quickly if you happen to forget to unplug the main drain before turning on the faucet. The safety feature is incredibly important, but it can also be a pain if it becomes clogged. The overflow drain will obviously stop working once it's blocked, which means you are no longer protected if you leave your faucet on while the sink is clogged. Keep in mind that this design feature requires regular cleaning too. It's a good idea to clean the gunk out of your bathroom sink to help your overflow drain function as intended.
How the overflow drain works and how to clean it
Let's dive further into how exactly the overflow drain works in your bathroom sink. When you plug the drain at the bottom of your sink with a stopper and turn on the faucet, the sink fills up. Rather than continuing to fill to the top and overflow onto the counter and floor, the water pours into the drain and down a pipe. It is important to keep in mind that water may not escape through the tiny overflow drain as fast as it comes out through the faucet. As a result, a sink with an overflow drain may still fill and cause bathroom flooding if you do not turn off the faucet fast enough.
You might also be wondering how exactly this bathroom sink component helps your sink drain more efficiently. It doubles as an opening for additional airflow, speeding up the draining process so that you are not left with a slow-to-drain sink. It's important to keep up with cleaning this design feature properly so that it continues to work as intended and does not become clogged. To rid your overflow drain of gunk and grime, simply scrub all around the inside of it with a pipe cleaner. Next, carefully pour hot water through a funnel inserted into the hole. Alternatively, you can pour baking soda inside the overflow drain followed by vinegar if you notice a foul smelling odor during the cleaning process. Just make sure to allow the cleaning ingredients to sit for 15 minutes before flushing them out with hot water poured into the drain via a funnel.