Make Sure You're Buying The Correct Paint Brush For The Paint You're Using
Having the correct tools and materials for the task at hand is always important, and this is certainly true when it comes to your next painting project. In addition to having the right approach, making sure you're buying the correct paint brush for the paint you're using will ensure that the project proceeds seamlessly, delivering the best results. Fortunately, taking time to educate yourself before heading to your local hardware store can prevent unnecessary overwhelm when faced with the vast array of available paint brushes.
There are several types of essential paint brushes for easy painting. What will differ mostly among these types of paint brushes is the material that the bristles are made from, which will fall into the category of natural or synthetic. Natural brushes are made from animal hairs and, for the most part, work well if you're using oil-based paints in your home since they remain soft after use. Synthetic bristle materials, on the other hand, which are made from nylon or polyester, will hold more paint than natural bristle brushes, helping your paint job to be more efficient. Synthetic brushes also tend to leave a smoother finish with less noticeable bristle marks than natural paint brushes. In almost all applications, a synthetic paint brush will be the desired choice both for value and performance, but that still leaves the question of what types of synthetic bristles go best with what types of paint.
Synthetic paint brushes to pair with paint types
When looking at synthetic paint brush materials, you'll be faced with the options of nylon and polyester, soft nylon and polyester, extra firm nylon and polyester, and 100% polyester. If you're working with latex or acrylic-based paints, your best bet may be nylon and polyester paint brushes, such as the Benjamin Moore Angle Sash Paintbrush. Bristles made from these materials are designed to hold a lot of paint and will ensure that your project proceeds smoothly and quickly. Nylon and polyester brushes also can work well with oil-based enamels if you want to avoid purchasing natural bristle paint brushes. Should you be hoping for a crowd-pleasing paint brush, reaching for a 100% polyester brush is an excellent choice. This type performs well with most paints, and is one of the best ways to get rid of brush strokes when painting your walls.
Projects that call for semi-gloss and satin finishes will work well with soft nylon and polyester brushes. Because the softness of the bristles allows for extra flexibility, you'll achieve minimal brush marks, which is of the utmost importance when working with higher sheen paints that readily show imperfections. Lastly, if you're working with paints that go on in heavier or thick coats, you'll want to reach for an extra-firm nylon and polyester brush whose bristles are up to the task. The stiffness of the bristles make it easier to move more robust paints on your project and you'll get faster results than you would with softer-bristled brushes.