How A Simple Cart Can Completely Change Your House Decluttering Process
Decluttering your home can feel like a never-ending task. You might notice that household items seem to pile up just as quickly as you sort them away. Believe it or not, a simple cart can resolve this issue by completely changing your house decluttering process. To try this method out for yourself, simply purchase a rolling cart and fill it up with any items that end up out of place in your home as soon as you notice them. You can then roll it from room to room to place everything back where it belongs.
Using a rolling cart is so much easier than attempting to grab large piles of items with your hands and carrying them back to the right locations. Consider getting your entire family in on this cleaning method, too, by encouraging them to place items inside of the cart rather than leaving things scattered around. With a cart that's functional and aesthetically pleasing, you might be able to maintain a living space that remains clutter-free for longer. Who knew that this creative way to use a utility cart in your home could be so helpful?
Pick the right cart and put it to use
If you'd like to try out this decluttering method for yourself, select a rolling cart that complements your home's aesthetic. That way, it'll blend in with the space beautifully rather than clashing with it. After all, the last thing you want is a rolling cart that looks like another piece of clutter. The Ikea LOSHULT with a bare pine finish is a stylish option that would work well in a home designed and decorated with rustic decor. However, if you need something that'll complement just about any space, check out the OLIXIS 3 Tier Utility Rolling model. This white cart is also perfect for those who love neutrals. Both of these three-tier options provide ample room to hold your household items.
Consider purchasing two carts if you live in a two-story home so that you have one for each floor. Once you buy a model you prefer, use it to round up the clutter causing a mess and put everything back where it belongs without straining your arms or making multiple trips from room to room. When the cart is not in use, feel free to figure out other ways to use it around your home. For example, you could stack bathroom essentials like towels and toiletries inside to free up some cabinet space.