How Plant Lovers Can Transform PVC Pipes Into A Gorgeous Statement Decor Piece
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If you absolutely love DIY projects, you'll know that PVC pipes can have so many more uses than their primary function as plumbing fixtures in homes and commercial buildings. The pipes are lightweight and not difficult to work with. They come in a range of sizes and are easy to cut for whatever project you have in mind. All you need is a suitable cutting tool, like this Klein Tools Ratcheting PVC Pipe Cutter, and joiners to suit the size of pipe you're using. In fact, you'll be amazed at all the handy ways to repurpose extra PVC pipes in your home and garden. One example of a useful project that you might want to recreate comes to us from Instagrammer, kalabypallavi, who has fashioned a frame for hanging plants and turned it into a gorgeous statement decor piece that looks fabulous in front of a window.
Some other projects you can make using this basic concept are a simple support to hang a grow light above your plants, or a low stand to place large pots on, so they're off the floor. These are ideal if you have a rooftop garden or lots of plants on your patio. You can even fashion individual plant stands for large indoor containers using small sections of PVC pipe and lots of joiners. And, if that's not enough, you might want to explore other brilliant ways you could be reusing old PVC pipes in your backyard.
Basics of making a hanging plant stand using PVC pipes
This project is fairly straightforward. All you have to do is join lengths of pipe to create a simple frame with a bracing section about a third of the way up. You'll need to add some feet and struts at the base of the frame so it can stand securely. For added strength, it might be a good idea to attach the stand to the wall and ceiling using sturdy brackets and ceiling hooks. To make it look even more attractive, you may want to paint the pipes using either chalk paint or stone-textured spray paint, like this Rust-Oleum Stone Creations Spray. Just sand the pipes lightly first to help the paint adhere well. Once you've constructed your stand, it's time to decorate it with all your favorite plants.
The different heights of the plants and their pretty macrame hangers makes a particularly enticing display. It's also quite fetching how the trailing stems of the pothos have been wound around the pipes. You could do something similar on a smaller scale for indoor plants that are sitting on a table or a wall shelf. Just use some PVC pipes to create a frame around them that's tall enough so it provides plenty of support for the plant stems. Or you could easily DIY a moss pole for healthy indoor houseplants with a simple PVC hack.