The Best Options For Painting Tile Floors

Not so long ago, attempting to paint tile floors was usually doomed to failure. Getting paint to adhere to a ceramic surface was fraught with problems, and most of the time it was soon scratched or scuffed off. Thanks to advances in finishing technology, things are very different today. Okay, there are still a few drawbacks you'll want to consider before painting tile floors, but now, whether you want to give a tired and worn surface a fresh look or change the color to match new decor, painting tile can be a practical and affordable solution. Let's look at the best options and techniques for ensuring they are as durable as they are attractive.

First, a couple of products you should avoid or use with caution: latex paint or chalk paint. Getting latex to bond with ceramic tile is a challenge, and so is durability. Some people have used chalk paint successfully, but it needs to be covered with at least a couple of coats of clear polyurethane varnish to give it the protection it needs. Dedicated floor paints — or floor coatings, as they are sometimes called — are the way to go.

The best products for painting tile floors

There are lots of excellent painted floor ideas that will bring color and personality to your space once you've found the right product. Fortunately, there's plenty of choice. Benjamin Moore Command works well, as do Rust-Oleum Home Floor Coating and Zinsser Allcoat. However, there are numerous alternatives, so it's worth exploring what retailers have to offer, particularly in terms of color and finish choices. You'll also want to check how many coats are required, how soon the tile floor can be walked on after painting, and whether the product is water- or solvent-based. The former doesn't just make cleanup easier; it's also more environmentally friendly.

You'll doubtless have your own ideas in terms of design. Do bear in mind that if your existing tiles are a single color, you don't necessarily have to paint the entire surface. Stencils are a budget-friendly way to give your floor an upgrade and can be used to give anything from a classic feel to a modern geometric look.

Epoxy is tough, but is it a good option?

Two-part epoxy coatings are popular as one of the best flooring options to consider for your garage, but does that make it a good choice for tile floors? They are certainly hard-wearing, but once again adhesion may be a challenge. On the other hand, leading manufacturer Epodex has a product specifically designed for wall and floor tiles. However, while it appears possible, epoxies are more complicated to apply and more expensive, so it is perhaps better to stick with the proven paint products.

As with any painting project, proper preparation is a key element in successfully painting tile floors. Sanding ceramic tiles with 80 or 120 grit is an ideal first step. It isn't intended to remove all the glaze, just to roughen the surface to provide a better bond. Thorough cleaning is also required to remove dirt and grease. It's a good idea to use a primer for the initial coat, though some floor tile paints don't require a layer of primer, so it's important to check the paint manufacturer's instructions before you get started.
