Why The Tile Redi Shower Base Is Highly Rated Among DIY Enthusiasts

Even the most intrepid DIYer might hesitate to tackle a tiling project in the shower. Putting up tile on a kitchen or bathroom sink backsplash is an easy DIY project since you just have to concentrate on spacing the tiles in a way that looks nice. The prospect of laying a tile floor in your shower, where one small mistake could lead to a potentially damaging leak, is daunting. However, it's possible to lay tiles evenly with the help of some essential tools. One product that has DIYers raving is a shower base from Tile Redi.

Not only does installing tile upgrade the look of your space and increase the resale value of your home, but thanks to handy new products, it's easier than ever for amateurs. Today, Tile Redi shower bases are giving more DIYers the courage to take on shower tile projects. Reviewers love that these waterproof basins are easy to maneuver, are waterproof, and ultimately make tiling easier and faster. These features make laying the basin of the shower — often the most vulnerable part to water infiltration — more accessible to homeowners looking to put their tiling skills to the test. 

Why DIYers love Redi Tile

If you're worried about being limited in the size or shape of your shower by a prefabricated, DIY-ready shower pan, don't be. Tile Redi shower pans come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and drain configurations. There are even accessories, like niches for your shower walls or built-in benches, that will fit almost any application. One DIYer said they built the shower of their dreams with this system. If you can't find the right size or setup off the shelf, Tile Redi also offers the option to customize it.

Users appreciate how lightweight Tile Redi pans are, making them easy to maneuver on your own. Home RenoVision DIY commented on their YouTube review that they're "very manageable for anybody to manipulate and install in their home." Importantly, the pans are also pre-pitched, meaning water will run toward the drain without any effort on your part.

Of course, the most important benefit that reviewers think Tile Redi shower pans bring to the table is effortless waterproofing. One reviewer pointed out that unlike competitors — such as Shluter's shower pan system — Tile Redi products come in one piece, which means homeowners will not need to seal any connection points to create a waterproof base. This seamless construction is possible because the pans include an integrated curb and splash walls. This also means they are significantly faster to install and are, as the name would suggest, ready to tile.

Getting the best result

Though Tile Redi is highly rated, reviewers have addressed a couple of concerns. Some DIYers who have already used the shower pan warned that it may feel flimsy initially, but it will firm up after the base is applied on top of a mortar base. Others suggested that lining up the drain properly can be difficult, but that with time and precision, it is possible. If you are tackling this project, you should also check the product instructions to find out which thin-set materials you can use to apply your tile to the base or use one of Tile Redi's adhesive products.

While a Tile Redi shower pan may make installing your own shower easier, it still requires some attention to detail. DIYers must take care to get a few things right before moving on to the fun stuff, like choosing a shower tile design. Tile Redi basins may be waterproof, but there are still the walls to contend with. You will need to use waterproof boards on the walls and create a seamless connection between the walls and base, which is where your DIY skills will really kick in. Check out our tips and tricks for installing shower tiles to ensure you take the steps to get it right.
