The 7 Safest Places To Go To In Your Home In A Natural Disaster

Mother Nature has a mind of her own. Although meteorologists are able to predict various atmospheric phenomena with a high level of accuracy, they can't foresee every their every detail or potential for damage. Nor can we foretell disasters such as earthquakes or landslides with any certainty. Even when such events are known to be imminent, not everyone can safely leave their homes when local authorities issue evacuation orders; sometimes such orders aren't issued at all. These and other circumstances could force individuals and families to take shelter in the safest place in their homes. 

The safest place in a disaster depends on the type of calamity you're facing, since hurricanes, earthquakes, blizzards, and floods present different hazards. It might be a closet, upper level, or a basement, and, in most cases, away from windows. Unfortunately, there may be no completely "safe" place in your home at all. Sheltering in place doesn't guarantee safety, and unless you have a concrete storm shelter, no area in your home is immune to danger. You should still follow the news and stay updated with the government or emergency management office recommendations for your city or town on television, the radio, or online. Downloading a reliable weather app is also a great idea. Always use your best judgment when making decisions about where to go when a natural disaster approaches. 

Hurricanes and tornadoes: windowless interior room on lowest level

The powerful winds associated with both hurricanes and tornadoes can be strong enough to damage siding, shingles, and other external components of a home. By placing yourself in an interior room or hallway without windows, such as a closet or bathroom, you'll be farther away from the more vulnerable exterior walls. Aim for the lowest level of your home if it has more than one, since wind speeds tend to increase with height above ground.

Earthquake: under a table or along an interior wall

As the ground shakes during an earthquake, there's no way to know for sure how it will affect a building. Items might fall off shelves, furniture may move or fall over, and windows and other glass items might shatter. With this risk, it's best to get under a table or large desk that can protect you from any objects that may fall. You can also sit on the floor in a hallway or along an interior wall, as long as there are no windows, furniture, and appliances nearby.

Blizzard: any well-insulated room

Winter storms typically cause less structural damage to homes than other natural disasters do. However, the winds, combined with heavy snow and ice, could still cause you to lose electricity. If the outdoor temperature is already low, staying in the house during a power outage could be dangerous. A well-insulated room on the highest level (since heat rises) is the safest place to be should a blizzard result in below-freezing temps and a loss of power.

Flood: the highest level of the home

Both heavy rainfall and a failed dam or levee can lead to flooding, and there are several ways that a flood can damage your home. Since water obviously accumulates at the ground level first, the safest place in your home to be during a flood is the highest story. In extreme flood cases that require a rescue, this story might have to be your roof.

Landslide: center of the top floor, under a table

Much like in a flood, the ground level of your home will be affected first during a landslide. This is why your safest bet is to go to the highest level of your home. If you have more than one, choose the farthest one from the approaching landslide. Otherwise, aim to get under a table or large desk, as furniture and other objects may fall and shift as the mass hits your home.

Dust storm: interior windowless room

Dust storms aren't as common as other natural disasters, but they can still be dangerous and even deadly. Almost any area of your home can be safe during a dust storm, but the ideal location is one that's away from windows, such as a closet. To prevent dust from entering your home, you should close all doors, windows, blinds, and curtains. However, keep in mind that dust storms can bring wind gusts of 100 mph or faster. Such speeds can result in shattered or cracked window panes, which is why it's best to stay away from windows, even if they're closed.
