What It Means If You See A Tree With A Twisted Or Spiral Trunk

While it is one thing to see a bonsai or other trained tree growing in a spiral, it is far more surprising when you find a tree that seemingly chooses to grow like this on its own. As inexplicable as it may seem for a tree to grow with a twisted trunk, there are actually logical reasons for this to happen. In some cases, a tree's trunk may have a spiral pattern on it because of how vines grew up it in the past. In others, the spirals may be related to the tree growing in an area with strong winds or other challenging growing conditions.

When vines begin growing around a tree, many ascend in a spiral pattern. Even if you eventually remove the vines from your tree, there may still be a spiral pattern left on it. This is likely because the vines damaged the tree, either by squeezing it or forcing it to grow around them. Japanese wisteria is particularly notorious for doing this, and if left alone, it can even kill the tree.

Spiral trunks provide flexibility

Trees can also grow with spiraling and twisting trunks even when there are no vines involved. Some types of trees, especially conifers like bristlecone pines, are known for growing this way. While the cause of these tall pine trees' spiral growth hasn't been entirely determined, some research suggests that it gives them more flexibility. This trait is likely especially important for trees with uneven canopies or those growing in windy locations, as it allows them to bend instead of break. 

Another possible reason that some trees grow in spirals is that this growth pattern appears to help distribute water and nutrients throughout the tree better. Trees that grow in spirals can even thrive in situations where only half of their roots have good access to water. This could be lifesaving for trees that grow in challenging locations, like along ridges and mountains. If you happen to live near, visit or have bought a vacation rental near Bryce Canyon, Utah, you may be able to find many trees growing in this unique location with distinctive spiral patterns. 
