Cover Dated Mirrored Closet Doors With An Affordable Solution
There are contexts in which mirrored closet doors are the ideal solution in a home — but without some intentional decorative elements, they can easily come off looking cheap or dated. If yours fall into the latter category, take heart. There are a variety of ways you can cover those dated mirrors without breaking your design budget. Peel and stick wallpaper applied to the mirrors is an accessible solution and makes it super easy to change up the style if the mood strikes you. But you aren't limited to wallpaper. Consider using peel and stick floor tiles to give yourself even more styling choices (and perhaps a more durable covering).
Peel and stick wallpaper has come a long way in terms of design. In fact, the style options have expanded to the point that temporary wallpaper (as it's sometimes called) has been fully embraced by home decorators and designers alike. Of course, if you'd prefer the look of wood on your closet doors, peel and stick flooring will work wonders.
This idea is similar to an easy DIY that'll update your dated mirrored closet door, which involves using black electrical tape to make them look like windows. You could also frost the glass with this cheap way to give mirrored closet doors a chic upgrade. However, wallpaper or flooring will fully cover the doors, disguising them completely. Since these options are peel and stick, you'll be able to customize your look in the way you lay out your design and easily change it if it doesn't quite work.
How to cover a mirror closet door
The key to giving your closet doors this decorative update is in selecting the right material and mounting it to the doors properly. Choose the style that works best for your space and design. A bright, geometric pattern might be perfect in a children's room, while a more reserved, striped look would be ideal in your office.
Before you begin installation, clean away any dust or debris that can inhibit adhesion. You may also need to apply a layer of wallpaper primer. Then, begin applying the wallpaper. Peel down the backing and adhere it to the top edge of the mirror. Gently smooth the paper down at the center and work any bubbles out toward the edge. Once your whole door is covered, use a utility knife to cut away excess. If you like, cover the edges of your mirrored doors with a peel and stick trim, like this Alened Black Wood Grain Mirror Frame Border.
Creating a wood door look is another option that uses essentially the same process but with peel and stick flooring. However, you may want to scuff up the surface of the mirror and then clean it for better adhesion. Lay your pieces out in straight horizontal lines or cut the tiles into more slender pieces and lay them out vertically. You could even create a chevron pattern by positioning the pieces at an angle. The tiles are easy enough to cut with a utility knife. Just be sure to take the proper safety precautions to ensure you aren't cutting more than the tiles.