DIY A Beautiful Decorative Gallery Wall Using Old Clipboards And Jewelry
While wooden clipboards may seem like a classic office staple, there are many fun and ingenious ways to use them in your home. Since older boards are often made of sturdy materials (like MDF), and sport metal elements with a gorgeous patina, they can be used to hold varied things on your walls, including artwork. TikTok user @whimsybarn shows how to use them to create a gallery wall. This easy project is a great way to showcase your artwork and spice up a blank wall while displaying your jewelry collection.
You can often find older clipboards in thrift stores. Or, buy inexpensive packs of multiple boards in different sizes from discount and office supply stores, like Officemate's Recycled Clipboards. For the artwork, there are a number of different low-cost options, including upcycling materials like book pages, maps, botanical prints, sheet music, art and photo book images, collages, wrapping or scrapbook paper, and more. You could also back the boards with materials like burlap, cork, or scrap fabric for a chic finish.
Turning clipboards into jewelry storage
To turn a series of clipboards into a perfect galley wall, clip your chosen image or paper to the clipboard. You can also add it using a spray adhesive or Mod Podge. Use one board for a small collection of jewelry or create a grid or grouping of boards on the wall. To guide your placement, lay out a grid with painters tape and place the boards side by side. Or, create a smaller grouping if you want to capitalize on the spots you might be overlooking for a gorgeous gallery wall, like odd corners and between windows. You could also stagger them diagonally up a wall to draw the eye upwards, or to surround a bedroom or vanity mirror.
To finish, just drape necklaces and chains over the top of the clipboards for a stylish gallery wall installation. The gorgeous display will double as a beautiful jewelry storage solution, letting you showcase the vintage or heirloom pieces you want to make a part of your décor. To enhance the DIY, use an old brooch or large button to cover the hole at the top of the clip. Alternatively, cover the metal with buttons and a glue gun. When you want to display items other than necklaces, glue cork sheeting with spray adhesive over some of the clipboards to stick in pretty earrings and brooches.