Installation Tips To Know Before You Put In A Security Door
Home safety is a top priority for many people. Security systems like cameras, lights, and alarms are common ways to improve the safety of your residence. However, one place that's frequently overlooked is front door security. Doors are often designed with aesthetics in mind, but installing a security door can level up your home safety system. Though installing a security door can be done with only a few tools and little time, there are a few tips to know before you put in one of your own, including how to measure and level your door so it fits properly.
Security doors are a simple way to improve front door protection, and are designed to be harder to breach than a regular one even if your front door is made from durable materials. Many people want these extra secure doors because they provide added safety and peace of mind due to their structure. Security doors are made of steel or other durable materials and have extra locks that regular doors don't offer.
Security door installation tips
As you put in your security door, the first installation tip to keep in mind is to measure accurately. While this can seem like a simple step, measuring the height and width of your door opening more than once can make the installation quicker and easier. It can also help you pick the right size door when you go to buy it. Once you have the measurements for your door and are ready to lock it in place, it's recommended to level the door with a ¼ or ⅛ of an inch gap between the door and its frame. A gap around this size makes it easier to open and close. Also, leveling your door properly will make sure your security door fits right and doesn't damage your doorway.
A rule of thumb for security doors is to install them so they swing outward. Not only does this offer more protection against extreme weather, but it also makes your home more secure. Another security door installation tip to remember is to add weather stripping along its border. Beyond creating a safer environment in your home, installing weatherstripping on your security door can help reduce energy costs by keeping warm or cool air from leaking outside.