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The Best Trees To Grow Indoors To Add Life To Your Home

Being around nature is proven to make people healthier and happier. Even so, a recent study in the Journal of Physiological Anthropology reveals that many people spend more than 85% of their lives indoors between home and work. If people aren't able to go outdoors, the next best thing is to bring nature inside. Planting trees in the best indoor plant containers adds beauty, life, and, in some cases, cleaner air to homes. Fortunately, many tree species have characteristics that make them compatible with interior spaces.

Below are eight indoor trees that are great for growing inside. Most of these species are slow-growers or dwarf cultivars of taller tree species, ensuring they won't outgrow an interior space for many years. These plants prefer the same comfortable indoor temperatures common in homes, making it easy for them to adapt to indoor spaces, as long as they have the right amount of sunlight and water. Learn more about how to pick the right indoor tree for your home, and how these plants can improve interior environments.

Fiddle leaf figs have lush green leaves

Mature fiddle leaf figs have a single trunk and oversized vibrant green leaves. If taken care of properly, they should grow several feet tall (sometimes up to 10 feet!) and reach a tree classification. However, they are slow growers, so they won't be trying to bust through your ceiling anytime soon, making them perfect for interiors. The leaves alone make them a beautiful addition to homes, and they rarely produce flowers indoors. The lack of flowers keeps pollen out of the air, making it easier for allergy-sensitive people to breathe and avoid flu-like symptoms.

The benefits of indoor fiddle leaf fig trees are highly rewarding if done right. Advice is straightforward — keep them in a spot that gets direct light in the morning, don't use too much plant food, and set up humidifiers if necessary. Keep in mind that this plant sap is toxic to animals and humans, so keep them out of reach from children and pets.

Rubber tree's glossy leaves come in many colors and make an elegant statement piece

Rubber trees are another popular ficus species favored for their broad and decorative leaves. The leaves vary from solid deep greens to variegated red and yellow colors. They grow between 6 to 10 feet at maturity, but routine pruning limits their height, making them perfect for indoors. With its gorgeous foliage and shiny appearance, this plant brightens rooms, making it a lively addition to households.

The lighter and more variegated the leaves, the more sunlight this plant needs to maintain its bright coloring. If your home has obstructed windows or doesn't receive a lot of natural sunlight, a darker cultivar, such as robusta, decora, or burgundy, is better suited for your interior. Whether you choose a variegated or dark-colored rubber tree to add life to your home, keep in mind that this plant has the same toxic qualities as a fiddle leaf fig. It may purify indoor air, but if children or pets touch or consume its sap, there could be poisonous side effects.

Spineless yucca trees are slow-growers that add a desert-esque aesthetic

Yuccas are considered succulents, but the "spineless" and "giant" cultivars grow up to 25 feet outdoors, earning them a formidable tree classification. Indoors, they take many years to reach about 10 feet tall. These trees have a reputation for growing exceptionally slowly, meaning they don't need much care or pruning. This makes them one of the best indoor houseplants for people who don't have a green thumb. Unlike other desert plants, spineless yuccas don't have thorns along their thick, waxy leaves. This makes them safe to handle and less likely to get caught on clothes and other items in your home.

Make sure you place these plants out of reach of children and pets since the leaves are toxic if eaten. On the positive side, these plants tolerate low humidity and don't need extra moisture to flourish. As long as you don't overwater them (only water when the top 1/3 of the soil is dry), mold and fungus aren't as likely to grow. They enjoy lots of sunlight — aim for at least 8 hours a day. Be careful not to mix up yucca and yuca plants. Yuca plants are a completely different species of root vegetable that are also edible, and they require different care. 

Dragon trees add unique spiky foliage to dimly-lit rooms

Dragon trees are unique for their spindly trunks topped with spiked green foliage. These trees grow up to 10 feet indoors and flourish in low light, making them perfect for north or east facing rooms that are hard to decorate with plants. They don't reach maturity until 30 years of age, making them long-term living household additions if cared for properly. It's easy to cut them back and force the leaves to branch out, creating a gorgeous indoor tree that brings nature into a dimly-lit home.

The only downside is that they need to be repotted every two years to prevent becoming root-bound. When repotting them, you should also clip a few inches of their root ball to keep them from growing larger than intended. Fortunately, they shouldn't grow quickly since they tolerate dimer lighting. On another note, these plants are non-toxic to people. However, cats and dogs may suffer if they consume it.

Money trees have unique braided trunks and are believed to bring prosperity

For thousands of years, plants have played a vital role in feng shui. Although there's no scientific evidence that money trees (and other plants) bring wealth and prosperity, they do add beauty to home interiors. Plant nurseries often braid money tree trunks, creating a unique base that splays out in a lush green canopy of leaves. They eventually reach around 6 to 8 feet tall indoors, but can be maintained smaller if necessary, making them a great tree to grow inside, no matter your ceiling height.

This gorgeous plant is also easy to care for, as Houseplant Resource Center's creator Claire Akin told Harry & David, "They're pet friendly, low maintenance, don't require a ton of light, and somewhat forgiving." The braided trunk cannot be trimmed, but the branching leaves can, giving homeowners a lot of control over their look. Before placing a braided money tree into a new pot, remove any bands or strings that may be wrapped around the trunk base. These rubber bands keep braided trunks growing in an entwined fashion, but harm them when left on too long. While they don't require direct sunlight, they should get an ample amount of bright indirect light for a minimum of six hours per day. In addition to this exceptional care tip, you should know money trees are non-toxic and won't harm any lives in your household.

Norfolk Island pine trees have a soft look and give off a crisp, woodsy scent

Indoor Norfolk Island pine trees add an aura of vitality to homes with their fluffy green foliage and sweet but tangy scent. Ambio published a 2022 research study that theorizes their Christmas-like scent can directly and positively influence the well-being of people, making it a great addition to interior decor. On top of their emotional boon, these trees have a slow growth rate. It takes up to 10 years for them to reach 5- to 8-foot heights, and you won't have to worry about them getting rootbound, dropping foliage, and spoiling indoor spaces for years to come.

You should also know that in various gardeners' experiences, Norfolk Island pines don't produce new growth when pruned. There is no way to fix scraggly lower branches since the only direction they grow is up. Aside from this potential issue, these trees are easy additions to indoor gardens, since they prefer moderate temperatures — like those you'd find inside most homes. Give them direct or bright indirect sunlight and they'll be happy.

Adonidia palms add tropical flair to rooms and grow slowly after a certain height

Another indoor tree associated with wintertime festivities is the Adonidia palm. They're more commonly known as "Christmas palms" due to their rich red fruits that sprout up during the colder months. Despite having a wintery common name, these 6- to 8-foot tropical trees thrive year-round and bring a summery beach-like vibe indoors.

Once Adonidias reach maturity, they slow down considerably and are one of the few palm species that thrive in a smaller space. This is assuming they get at least four hours of direct light and are kept in 60- to 70-degree temperatures. As indoor plants, they maintain their green fronds throughout the year, since home interiors don't usually dip below freezing. The fronds and fruits are non-toxic, so you don't have to over-stress about the livelihood of unattended pets, which isn't always the case for other palm trees that best grow indoors.

Umbrella trees have eye-catching variegated leaves and are popular in Feng Shui

Umbrella trees only reach 4 to 6 feet high when grown in pots, making them one of the best trees for container gardening. They also prefer filtered light, so they're a great choice for rooms where other plants might struggle. Plus, umbrella trees are popular in Feng Shui, where they're believed to bring wealth and good luck. If you want to enhance the flow of positive energy in your home, put the tree in the south-eastern corner of the room, which is earmarked as the wealth nook.

Additionally, a group of scientists from Iran carried out research in a 2018 study that was published to Science Direct. They found that dwarf umbrella trees did reduce the amount of benzene in the air, proving that this tree has air-purifying qualities.

Umbrella trees' preference for interior conditions and air-purifying capabilities make them seemingly ideal indoor trees. Just make sure you keep them out of direct sunlight, even if it's through a window. These plants burn easily and only need sun for up to four hours a day. Since they're kept in low light conditions, be extra careful not to overwater and overfertilize them. Despite their more wholesome qualities, they are toxic to cats and dogs, even if the effects are minor. 
