All Of The Advantages To Growing Ornamental Grasses In Your Yard And Garden
Let's face it: Planning a new landscape design isn't easy. Whether you're starting from scratch or doing an overhaul, it can get overwhelming almost a little too easily. That's why we're going to stretch your gardening guru sensibilities a smidge and suggest scrapping the same old rose or hydrangea bush for something a little more radical: ornamental grasses.
Sure, roses and hydrangeas are amazing, but the case for ornamental grasses needs to be made. That's why we're breaking down all the reasons you should consider adding them to your outdoor 'scapes this year, whether it be because of their ease of care or the endless visual options they provide. And we'll even throw in a few tips for ensuring you get the wow factor you're looking for in your landscape aesthetic all year round.
Ornamental grasses provide erosion control
One of the main reasons ornamental grasses have such widespread appeal is because they're champs for combating erosion. The secret to their success lies in their intermeshed root systems that act like a natural anchor. If you think about it, it makes sense the roots would be so extensive — those dense tufts of foliage need a solid foundation to stay upright. These fibrous roots can create intricate, hardy "grips" on the soil and stop it from eroding — even on steep inclines. This makes them ideal for planting along stream banks, hillsides, and other areas on your property that are vulnerable to erosion.
Moving beyond their kung-fu-like grips on soil, let's talk about those dense foliage tufts. Since they're typically fairly thick and clumpy, they act like a natural barrier, buffering the would-be bare soil against strong bursts of wind and water. The fewer elements that hit the dirt, the more likely the dirt stays where it's meant to be and not in your neighbor's yard.
Ornamental grasses can help conserve water
While there are ornamental grasses from all over the world, many gardeners prefer to stick to native grasses for a few reasons. One of them is that native grasses typically require less water to thrive. Think about it: A plant native to your area will already know the rules for survival in your climate and be accustomed to its average rainfall, so it will be less fussy about its growth requirements — though you may want to give them a supplemental drink if there's a drought during their first season. Meanwhile, plants that are from other climates or terrains need to adapt to your soil conditions and may need much more TLC.
However, that's not to say you only need to stick to native grasses. But if you're concerned about maintaining a beautiful landscape, while balancing the need to conserve water, native ornamental plants in general are going to be easier on your water bill or rain barrel. Don't know which plants are native to your area or the U.S.? You're in luck, because we've got breakdowns that give you 15 plants native to your region, so check out our guides for New England, the Midwest, the Southeast, and the Mountain West. Or, try planting any of these endangered native plants that will help increase their numbers while acting like low-maintenance wonders.
They can grow in hard-to-garden areas
If you live somewhere that gets a lot of coastal breezes, then you probably already know how frustrating that can make gardening. Salt tolerance is one of the biggest problems coastal gardeners face, as too much salt spray from the ocean can make delicate plants shrivel and die faster than you would expect. But hey, guess what plants don't mind a little bit of salt? That's right, ornamental grasses. A 2018 study published in HortTechnology evaluated several species for their ability to endure salt sprays and found that blue grama (Bouteloua gracilis), Indian sea oats (Chasmanthium latifolium), fountain grass (Cenchrus alopecuroides), sand ryegrass (Leymus arenarius), and pink muhly grass (Muhlenbergia capillaris) all had above average tolerance for salt sprays.
But salty winds aren't the only environmental obstacle ornamental grasses can endure — they're also known for being versatile plants that can handle poor soil conditions that other plants would scoff at. It could be due to their extensive root systems, which help them source water and nutrients more easily than plants with shallower roots can. There are, however, a few things they'll need to thrive in bad soil: a certain degree of drainage, and full sun. Some species, like many sedge varieties, can handle shade better than others, so check your soil parameters and how many hours of sun the previously-deemed "dead zone" receives, then get the appropriate grass for those conditions.
Ornamental grasses reduce gardening chores
Some gardeners enjoy spending hours toiling away at their gardens, while others do not. No matter what side of the argument you're on, you'll appreciate growing ornamental grasses thanks to their low-maintenance nature. They are drought-tolerant so you don't have to worry about skipping watering, have very little pest issues, are relatively disease-resistant, don't need much pruning or shaping, and aren't too picky about their soil. Because of this, you don't have to spend much time maintaining them.
For gardeners who use plant chores as their time to reach "zen mode," ornamental grasses won't need much oversight, allowing you to care for the rarer or more delicate plants living in your garden space. For less, let's say, "enthusiastic" caretakers, or those with limited time and growing space, planting ornamental grasses will make you look like a gardening wizard without much effort.
Balcony or container-constrained gardeners will love working with grasses, too, since they make excellent container or raised bed plants. The biggest thing you'll need to consider is ensuring your pots have drainage holes and that you're using loose, well-draining soil. You may also want to buy pots that are deeper than they are wide to account for the long root systems most grasses have. Pots like these Kante 13-Inch Tall Planters are perfect for grasses because they give them room for their roots to stretch out and look amazing with big tufts of tall foliage.
Ornamental grasses are cheaper than many hedges and bushes
The most recent census from the United States Department of Agriculture shows that Americans spent $178.79 million on ornamental grasses in 2019. Compare that to the $674.45 million spent that same year on deciduous shrubs. That tells us that ornamental grasses are still below the radar of many gardeners, which is good news for your landscape design and budget. We can assume that it's most likely either due to a lack of knowledge about grasses or a lack of interest, which makes them less susceptible to plant nursery price hikes. For instance, if you look at a specialty site like Great Garden Plants, grasses cost between $15.99 to $17.99 a quart, while bushes cost $23.99 to $29.99 a quart. So, not only will you end up saving money, but your garden will have a unique aesthetic that knocks your neighbor's sad little shrubs for a loop. (Sorry, neighbors, we know you're trying your best.)
But there is the challenge of availability, so you may need to do a little searching, especially if you're looking for a particular grass. That said, you'll probably have an easier time than you think if you opt for native grasses, since they're easier for local nurseries and greenhouses to source or grow. If you're looking for something more exotic, try searching on Etsy, as there are hundreds of small garden companies that have lots of different grasses and plants to buy.
There's an endless variety of color and size options
When you first think of grass, you probably think of lush, green lawns or overgrown fields full of tangled, tall shoots. But ornamental grasses are called "ornamental" for a reason: They're absolute stunners that come in a nearly endless variety of sizes and colors. Want to add pops of colorful ornamental grasses along a ho-hum wood fence? Give the unique-looking purple millet (Cenchrus americanus) or, our personal favorite, the tall and billowy pink pampas grass (Cortaderia selloana), a try.
Do you need a short little tuft to cover some bare spots? Mondo grass (Ophiopogon japonicus) is fantastic and the black variety, Ophiopogon planiscapus, is like the best little goth plant ever. The point is, whatever color or vertical scape you're picturing can most likely be achieved with some type of ornamental grass. Just make sure you're buying a variety that's suited to the soil and light conditions of your yard.
They create unique year-round displays
One of the coolest parts of using ornamental grasses is that you're not limited to only a few months of lush displays. Ornamental grasses break down into three categories based on their growth habits: cool-season, warm-season, and evergreen. Cool-season grasses grow from late winter to the very earliest parts of summer, warm-season grasses grow from early summer to fall, and evergreens stay lush all year round. To maximize your landscape's aesthetic appeal, try mixing in a few grasses from each category so that you'll have a stunning display no matter the time of year.
Regardless of your decision of whether to mix and match or stick to just one type, there are some maintenance chores you'll need to do to keep your grasses happy in their dormant periods. Cool-season grasses should be trimmed to about a third of their full size in late winter right before their growth season begins. Warm-season grasses should be cut down to the ground level once they're done growing, unless you like the way they look. Evergreens won't have a dormant period, but still benefit from the occasional hair cut or trimming off of dead shoots to keep them neat and healthy.
Ornamental grasses protect more vulnerable plants from pests and diseases
Ornamental grasses get to act like the bouncers of your garden, sheltering delicate or vulnerable plants from potential creepy crawlies or diseases. On top of being nearly pest- and disease-free plants, their dense foliage could possibly act like physical barriers that make it hard for nuisance bugs like aphids to get through, becoming a thick maze of constantly moving shoots and blooms that may even contain a few surprise guests (but more on that later). Imagine having to navigate through the equivalent of a tightly compacted, swaying Midtown Manhattan just to get a burger. Most likely, you'd end up tapping out and looking for easier burgers to eat, right? Pests probably look at ornamental grasses and think that, too.
The foliage can also act like a disease buffer by changing the air flow of your garden. Many fungal diseases can spread like wildfire when vulnerable plants are too close together, so plant grasses in between them to separate delicate plants and increase airflow, limiting the chance a fungus has to jump from one plant to another. If you're planting pest- or disease-susceptible plants like roses or impatiens, consider adding the occasional ornamental grass clump between them every few plants or so. Not only will this create a more dynamic display, but you'll get an extra immune booster to your garden, thanks to your grassy bouncers.
They provide shelter for beneficial insects
Many pests aren't big fans of ornamental grasses, but do you know what are? Predators and pollinators. Dragonflies absolutely love tall grasses that give them a perch to hang out on while they watch for prey. Assassin bugs and spiders also like to set up shop in grasses, looking for tasty little pests to munch on. But your grasses don't need only to be the site of aphid massacres, because they also attract butterflies and moths and will turn your landscape into a full-on fauna habitat that's literally full of life.
Planting ornamental grasses may also attract birds to your garden. Sparrows and finches, in particular, love to feed on grass seeds, while other birds may snatch a few shoots or tufts to use as nesting material (and may also take the occasional caterpillar as a snack). If you want to attract more birds or good bugs, consider using a mix of grass species that have different heights for crawlers and flying predators, or varying levels of foliage fluff that would appeal to nesters. This will give you the best chance of catching the eye of a few good friends that will help protect your plants from the wrong crowd.
There are different ornamental grasses for different landscapes
Grasses live everywhere, including Antarctica, so there's most likely an ornamental grass that can flourish in your terrain. We've already covered a few native plants for different areas of the United States, so let's talk more about growing conditions, since your yard has its own microclimate that could be a factor for whether or not you've picked the right plant. Both the Mississippi State University Extension and the Missouri Botanical Garden have some of the most thorough breakdowns of the different types of ornamental grass available, so we'd recommend giving those a once-over and picking out a few grasses that stand out. But don't worry if you feel overwhelmed by all the choices, because we're going to help narrow them down.
First, consider the amount of sun your potential grass planting spot gets, and don't forget to account for barriers that affect sunlight, like trees, fences, or house shadows. Don't worry if the hours of sun your site gets is less than you thought; there is most likely some type of grass that will work in any level of shade. However, just as an FYI, if you've got heavy shade, you'll probably be restricted to shorter grasses, as taller ones need more sun to reach their full heights, so plan your expectations accordingly.
Next, we've got to talk about soil. Is yours fairly moist all the time, or are you constantly tripping over rocks that pop out of a dry, sandy soil bed? Finally, consider your goals. Do you want tall grasses that give you some privacy, or are you looking for more of a pop of short, shrubby color that works as a good ground cover? Checking off these four boxes will help you narrow your options and hopefully feel less overwhelmed.
They're great for dried floral arrangements
The colors and fluffy seed head tufts of some ornamental grasses make for excellent dried floral arrangement displays, which makes pruning all the more fun and beneficial. Pink and white pampas grass (Cortaderia selloana), pink muhly grass (Muhlenbergia capillaris), northern sea oats (Chasmanthium latifolium), and purple fountain grass (Cenchrus setaceus) all lend to fantastic bouquets or wreaths that retain their color and just look amazing.
Drying and styling plants for floral arrangements isn't difficult once you get the hang of it — whether you air dry them or employ the help of a microwave — and ornamental grasses make the perfect starter plants to practice with. Now, you can just turn to your own garden the next time you want to gift an arrangement to a loved one.
Ornamental grasses are easy to propagate and fill in gardens quickly
Not only are ornamental grasses cheap, low maintenance, and hardy, but they're incredibly easy to propagate. When and how you should propagate depends on which type of grass you're dealing with. First, let's discuss how to propagate. You've got two options: collecting seeds or plant division. In most cases, division will be easier, but collecting seeds to share with friends is also great. To propagate by division, you simply loosen the grass a little by digging around it, then use a sharp sterile spade, knife, or saw to cut the root ball in half. Leave one half in the original planting spot and dig a new hole for the other.
Now, let's talk about when to propagate. If you're planning to collect seeds, look for cool-season seeds in the winter and warm-season seeds in the late summer or fall. If you're planning to divide the plant, wait at least three years before propagating, so that it's well-established. If you've got a cool-season grass, then divide them in the fall, right before the first frost sets in. This will give your plants time to recoup and settle into their new sizes. For warm-season grasses, divide them in the spring right before their growth season begins. That way, they'll have all the nutrients and goodies they need to bounce back and grow. Within one or two growing seasons, you should have a fully filled landscape that only costs you the initial plant and a little time.
Ornamental grasses can accentuate centerpiece plants
Ornamental grasses do so much for the look of your yard and garden, and make the perfect compliment for other show-stopping plants. For example, let's say you've got a fabulous gardenia bush that you want to show off a little. Why not cap either side with some Indian grass (Sorghastrum elliottii) to really place it front and center?
Or, perhaps you have a prized rose bush that deserves the limelight. Imagine how amazing it would look if you planted a half-circle of Autumn flame grass (Miscanthus 'Purpurascens') around it and then throw in some super-black Mondo grass (Ophiopogon planiscapus) to really make those flowers pop. Thanks to their versatility and easygoing nature, ornamental grasses make excellent landscape, well, ornaments, that can accentuate centerpiece plants without needing a lot of fuss.