The Weatherization Assistance Program: What It Is And How It Can Help Warm Up Your Home
Prices on household items have seemingly been increasing non-stop since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Everything from food to electricity has become more expensive and the cost of heating is no exception. In 2024, the National Energy Assistance Directors Association estimated that the average cost of keeping a home warm in winter would jump by 8.7 percent and land at $941. Such a considerable rise was partly due to a forecast predicting colder than usual weather, but also to rising electricity costs.
In order to lower heating bills and save money, it is now more imperative than ever to check your windows and doors for drafts and fix any issues as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, winterizing your home can prove costly, but that's where the U.S. Department of Energy's Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) comes in. Its goal is to help low-income households better prepare their homes for temperature swings, saving them an average $372 a year. Here's everything you need to know about WAP.
The basics of the Weatherization Assistance Program, explained
Since first being implemented in 1976, this unique initiative has helped millions of folks lower their utility bills by making their homes more energy efficient. This means they can stay cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter while keeping more money in their pocket. There are numerous maintenance tasks you can carry out yourself in order to lower your heating bill. Whether you weather strip your windows and doors to keep the cold out or you seal your drafty fireplace to save money, every little bit counts.
However, for those individuals who qualify for the federal Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP), they can get professional help for free rather than searching for DIY solutions. That's right: The government will foot the bill on a long list of weatherization services — hence the program's name. These include replacing outdated heating systems, adding insulation to walls and problem areas, like attics, and sealing doors and windows to keep out drafts. Better yet, additional efficiency measures, like installing LED lighting and carbon monoxide detectors, are also covered.
Who's eligible to apply for WAP?
If the Weatherization Assistance Program sounds like something you and your family could benefit from, the final aspect to consider is eligibility. So who exactly can apply? When approving submissions, WAP prioritizes the elderly, applicants with disabilities, as well as families with young kids. However, the main factor to being accepted for a free energy efficiency upgrade is income.
Households that live at or below 200% of the poverty income guidelines are instantly eligible. While the guidelines are updated each year, looking at the recommendations for 2025 that would be $42,300 for a two-person household or $64,300 for a four-person household. Whether you own the home or rent your home doesn't matter, although renters will need permission from their landlord before any work can begin. If you're curious to check whether or not you're able to take advantage of this great program, simply use the WAP's official interactive map to find out.