Conserve Water With One Quick Faucet Fix

Have you ever opened your water bill and just scratched your head in confusion over an increase? You've checked for leaks and even cut down on those long and relaxing times in your peaceful shower space, but the numbers just don't add up. Or maybe you want to do your part in conserving water in the face of climate change and damage to natural habitats.

You might be surprised to learn that the key to achieving lower water consumption involves maintaining the cleanliness of your faucet aerator. There is no complicated plumbing issue nor the need to call a professional. A faucet aerator is that little screen-like piece at the tip of your faucet that mixes air into the water stream. It reduces how much water flows out without sacrificing water pressure. This little device can actually save 700 gallons of water annually. But over time, it can get clogged, reducing its effectiveness — which is why it's crucial to give it a good cleaning from time to time. Lowering your bill is that simple, and it doesn't involve heavily reducing your water footprint and habits. Sometimes, saving water really isn't about using less but about making sure the tools you use every day are working as they should.

Why cleaning your faucet aerator helps conserve water

The quality of any household object tends to deteriorate after constant use. A faucet aerator, especially the one found in your bathroom, is no exception. After all, more than half of a house's water consumption happens inside the bathroom. So just imagine how many gallons of water pass through this tiny part every day. And with that comes the inevitable risk of it getting clogged with gunk like mineral deposits, dirt, and even tiny bits of rust.

Cleaning the aerators might seem like a small thing, but it can make a big difference. For one, your water flow can slow down or turn into an uneven spray when an aerator gets dirty. You may also notice constant dripping and even a weaker flow. This means you might end up using more water than usual because you're running the faucet longer and with more power to, say, rinse dishes or wash your hands. It's not only inconvenient as you try to finish your task, but it actually ends up increasing your water utility bills. Compare it to when your aerator is clean and working properly. When the tiny holes of the aerator are not blocked, the faucet can deliver a steady and efficient stream. You run the tap less without even noticing and, over time, save gallons of water and even help the environment by reducing unnecessary waste.

Cleaning your clogged faucet aerator is easy, and it usually just involves either soaking the attachment in vinegar or using a soft toothbrush to gently scrub off remaining debris. There's no need for fancy tools nor professional help to ensure that it is in top shape, allowing it to do its job more efficiently!
