Signs That You Are Overwatering Your Indoor Plants And Causing Damage

How much water do you drink per day? Your answer won't be the same as that of every other person you know. Water needs vary among individuals, and that's true for plants as well as people. To keep your indoor plants healthy, it's important to tailor your watering schedule to each type of plant. Of course, it may be obvious that you shouldn't water a cactus as often as a begonia. But even beyond species, a plant's water requirements can be affected by a wide range of factors, including the soil, pot, light, humidity, and temperature. Plants may not be able to talk, but they'll sure let you know when they're starting to drown, with signs such as yellowing, drooping, and dropped leaves. 

Overwatering has nothing to do with how much water you give a plant; rather, it refers to watering too often. When the soil stays consistently drenched, the roots can't absorb oxygen, leading the plant to struggle and eventually die. Overwatered plants are also at high risk of suffering from root rot. But overwatering is a common watering mistake everyone makes at some point, and if you catch the signs soon enough, you can save your plants from a sad fate.

Identifying overwatered plants (and what to do next)

Surefire signs you're overwatering include yellow foliage, droopiness, and fallen leaves of any color. You may also see brown or scorched leaves, as well as stunted growth. Healthy plants should have sturdy foliage and grow at a regular rate.

Overwatered plants can sometimes appear similar to underwatered ones, and figuring out the difference is key. Underwatered plants tend to feel crispy rather than limp. Pay attention to the soil as well — if it's damp or has mold or fungus on top, those are clear symptoms that excess water is the culprit. If the problem has gone on long enough, the base of the plant may turn soft and mushy and the soil may begin to smell bad, which are signs of root rot.

If your plants appear overwatered, take a break from irrigation until the soil is thoroughly dry — and not just on the surface. Use a wooden dowel to check the soil's moisture level. Moving forward, check the care instructions for your plants to determine how long to wait before watering again. While plants vary in water needs, most houseplants prefer their potting medium to dry out between waterings. By monitoring the soil's moisture, you can get a sense of how long the medium takes to dry out fully and never overwater your plants again. If root rot is present, you'll need to remove the plant, prune the affected roots, and re-pot in brand new soil.
