Will Lestoil Damage Your Hardwood Floors? Here's What We Know
Keeping your floors clean is an integral part of maintaining your home. After all, it's hard to feel like you're living in a tidy, positive space when you have dirty floors. In your search for cleaning options, you might have come across a product called Lestoil. While this heavy-duty product is great for tackling tough cleaning projects, you should be cautious when using it on or near hardwood floors.
Lestoil is a multi-purpose cleaner from Clorox that is noted for its ability to handle tough substances like grease, blood, oil, and ink. You can also use it when removing laundry stains. A 48-ounce bottle of Lestoil Multi-Purpose Cleaner can easily be purchased for under $9.00, so it's easy to see Lestoil's appeal for budget-conscious homeowners. But online, some people have reported that after using Lestoil to clean their floors, it damaged the floor's finish and left behind ugly spots.
Wood floor finishes are great at hiding scratches and imperfections along with protecting your hardwood floors, but they're not invincible. Most hardwood floors are finished with oil and water-based polyurethanes. Meanwhile, Lestoil is advertised as having the ability to cut through water and oil-based stains. It's not hard to imagine how this might create a problem. But can it be safe if used properly?
Water Lestoil down before putting it on wood floors
Since Lestoil is highly concentrated, it is generally recommend to dilute it before using it for any cleaning purposes. To use this product on finished wood, Lestoil recommends diluting it with 4 parts of water to 1 part cleaner. Don't skip this step, otherwise you run the risk of Lestoil eating straight through your wood floor's finish.
Before using it to clean a whole room, you should test your diluted Lestoil mix on a small area. Pick somewhere that won't be noticeable if it causes any damages, like an inconspicuous corner or underneath a piece of furniture. Wipe your test spot with the Lestoil solution and allow it to air dry. Afterwards, check your floor for any changes, like a noticeable spot where the finish may have faded. If there's no damage, you're safe to proceed with cleaning the rest of your floor. Be aware that Lestoil is known to be a particularly smelly product, so you may want to leave a window open for ventilation or turn on a fan while you clean. If you are touching it directly, you will also need to use rubber gloves, as Lestoil can irritate your skin.
There are safer alternatives for cleaning and stain removal
While diluting Lestoil may potentially make it safe for your floors, the risk of ruining your finish is still there. Instead, you may be better off using other top cleaners for your hardwood that are known to be safe, such as Bona Hardwood Floor Cleaner. This product is especially handy because it can be applied directly onto floors including unwaxed, unoiled, sealed or finished wood floors. You may also come across Murphy's Original Formula Oil Soap as another common recommendation. However, it's worth nothing that oil-based soaps could cause more harm than good for your floors.
Beyond cleaning, the most important thing you can do with your hardwood floor is protect it to extend its longevity. Besides using the right products, you can follow tips on the easiest ways to clean your hardwood floors, like tackling any spills immediately. Doing so will help to prevent your floors from staining. If you notice any fresh stains, it's better to skip harsh cleaners like Lestoil when possible and instead soak the area with hydrogen peroxide. For this, you will need either 12% hydrogen peroxide or you can mix 35% hydrogen peroxide with 3 cups of water. After soaking the stain, blot and dry the floor and repeat the process if needed. Older, deep-set stains may also require that you use a magic eraser or similar foam sponge as a gentle abrasive to lift them.