Tips For Embracing 2025's Cozy Homebody Era Design Trend

Every January, new trends are released and discussed, from Benjamin Moore's Color of the Year, to decorating trends that will dictate — if not dominate — the year's dos and do nots. While many are scrolling to find out the 2025 furniture trend that will set your descendants up for success, others want to know if the design world is leaning into minimalism, maximalism, cluttercore, or a different vibe entirely. The answer is closer to the last option: 2025 is the era of the homebody, and people could not be more thrilled. After years of cultivating your home, spending hours on DIYs and renovations, and creating a space you want to share with others, it's time to embrace staying home and investing in all the things that make your dwelling THE place to be. Designing a calming environment that channels the natural world and soothes anxiety, stress, and the grind outside your walls is the big trend, incorporating materials and elements that make you happy while anchoring you to your space.

The Homebody era is mostly about leaning in to staying home and relishing your abode. This is the season of JOMO: the JOY of missing out. You don't have to be an introvert to indulge in this era; you just have to love your home. Since it doesn't seem like mortgage rates will drop down below 6%, many people have decided that the more affordable option is to renovate and put effort into fixing/upgrading what they have. 

Natural elements, smart home conveniences, and outdoor additions are the Homebody vibe

So, how do you get the most out of this 2025 trend? You can start by budgeting money to invest in any upgrades you've been wanting to do, as well as smart home technology and interior/exterior additions and products that add to the comfort and convenience of your space. This includes creating areas within your dwelling to host, as the surge in get-togethers within someone's house will prioritize social interactions rather than always meeting out. Turn living rooms and dining rooms into cozy, inviting spots that encourage people to hang out. Comfortable chairs and sofas, thick carpeting and rugs, and extra seating are all helpful to make your home the ideal spot to congregate. For outdoor areas, this trend is great for including fire pits and BBQs, or even outdoor kitchen areas.

The Homebody era will also encompass a lot of natural elements within the home. Natural woods, plants, and outdoor add-ons like ponds and vegetable gardens will imbue your home with the natural world. Shop for higher-quality furnishings — the minimalist trend that is dominating 2025 and encourages people to purchase solid, natural materials that will last. Neutral palettes and green hues help to bring calming vibes into a space, so pull these through to add a soothing effect to your rooms. If you can add or upgrade windows, try to increase the natural light in your home, even adding a skylight or larger panes. Don't forget to consider the technology-based aspects of your abode, either. Investing in smart devices that help monitor usage and even save money will greatly benefit the Homebody mentality, making it financially feasible to hang out around the house and get the most out of it!
